Sunday, 27 December 2009

Ukelele and Learning Turkish

Was very lucky to get a ukelele for Christmas as well as a book and CD for learning Turkish, thanks to Sue and Terry and Linda. They must have been peeking at my 101 list. So now i know whqat to concentrate on in January and all the way up to May when I have my next trip planned to Turkey.
Have a DVD with the ukelele as well as the loan of a CD and DVD from Joy. So will give it a good go. Utube here I come lol.
Forgot all about the free rice so did 4,000 today.

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Free Rice

Haven't had a go on this in a while but realise will need to get a wiggle on if am going to reach my target of 1000.000 grains. Am going to try to do 2000 a day for a while to see if can get my figure up. May do calculation to see how long that will take. Its something to do in the winter anyway. Some of the words are very hard too. Ig you don't know what it is it is a word game and for every one you get right you donate 10 grains of rice to hungry people in the third world.
Its multiple choice with one word sand four possible meanings. I believe a man made it up for his children to play but decided it could be used to make money for charity at the same time. Have done my 2000 for the day.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Making Cards

Have had a go at making cards and have made 2 Christmas cards and 7 birthday cards. Could do with a bit of help and advice on this but maybe taking my bits next week to lunch with Joy and Joyce.

Ordered lots of fairly cheap items from mad about cards some for as little as 25p but still managed to spend 17 pound, hopefully will be able to make at least fifty cards from that though. Tried some with stickers, painted a few and some with stamps. Think they look better if stickers are used for Happy Birthday/ Merry Christmas etc and stamps better used for inside the card.

Will do a bit of research on internet for ideas but enjoyed the session and something to do on a cold wet snowy day.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Talking Books

Have now managed to put 13 talking books onto itunes and only have to look at the instructions fleetingly ;-).
Am really enjoying listening to them but am going to try and read a few more books as I think that only listening to books has made me less aware of the strucutre of books and I think I will need this skill when I get around to editing the book "what I wrote"

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Write a Song

It's a bit cheesey and may need editing but this is my attempt at a song.

It takes a special kind of man to care for a woman like me
Are you that special kind of man to care for a woman like me?
You are that special kind of man that I need

I neeed to be pampered
I need special care
I need care and attention
and to know that you're there

It takes a special kind of man.....

I need love and reassurance
each and every day
I need you to be there for me
no matter what I say

It takes a special kind of man.....

I need you to know if I'm feeling OK
I need you to be right here for me
each and every day

It takes a special kind of man....

I know you can't fix me
I know you can't help
But knowing you're here for me
Is all that I need

It takes a specail kind of man.....

Book Hotel on Friday go on Saturday

Had a lovely night way in a hotel on Friday booked Thursday, think this fits in to above criteira anyway as I just mean something last minute. We went to stay at the Hurtwood Inn in Peaslake which is also one of my pubs with fires and we then visited two more pubs with fires so that task it getting along too. Was very excited when found out that one pub with real fire also was a comedy club so was thinking not two but three birds with one stone ;-) but although in Surrey it wasn't that near where we were staying so will do that one another time.
It is quite hard to get the photos of the fireplaces because people are sititng in front of them or they are not lit. You also feel a bit self conscious taking the pics but the last one we were in I just snapped it on the way out only to hear a local say "What was all that flashing about". Have laso forgotten the camera and had to take ot on an ipod nano video so will need to transfer it. Anyway now have done 6 out of forty so getting on with it.

Writing a Book

Well if you can believe it I did it. 50108 words. It was hard going but have managed it. Have put it away now and will not think about it for a while but will edit it in a few months time. Feel like carrying on writing now like some short stories but am fresh out of ideas so will just stick with blogging for a while. Hoping to restart other blog too, have been unwell and lacked motivation to carry on but will start it again soon.
Anyway it is a fantastic achievment I think even it nothing happens to it but it sitting on my computer as one enormous file.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Writing a Novel 43365 words and counting

I cannot believe I have made such progress in the last few days. My hands are aching my arms are aching but I think I may just make it to 50,000. Have one day left to go with 6700 words to go.
Have no idea if I even have much more to write but am going to drag it out of myself tomorrow. So near and yet so far right but I really have got to do it don't you think. Wish me luck am amazed by how far I've come but am really determined to get there. Off to bed now am dreaming that am tapping on a keyboard in my sleep and tryingg to think of a bit more plot to write as am not sure I have enough content to fill up the last leg of this task. Phew will let you know how I get on tomorrow.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Writing a Novel

Unfortunately owing to being really poorly and in bed for more than a week have not been able to keep this up. I have only 4 days left to go and am only a third of the way there. Will carry on and see how many words I can achieve or will add on my "lost days" to get to mid- December to give myself a fighting chance. Have managed 16,560 words so far out of 50,000. Don't really think it is any good not able to stick to a style but never mind am still writing away. Hope to get back to both blogs for December so will be writing here anyway.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

National Novel Writing Month

I am taking part in this challenge I started on the first of November and have managed to write 4984 words so far which is amazing to me. You are meant to not proof read not woory too much about grammer or plot but just let it come. It is amazingly freeing to just write without thinking is this actuallt any good and just treat it as a first draft. I am guessing that the firsr week will be easier than the next few as I have no idea where my story is actually going. Anyway I am not expecting to get it published any time soon if at all but it will be a great achievement for my 101

Saturday, 31 October 2009

I Beat David on the Wii haha

Ellen brought round a new Wii game Wii sports resort with sensors and I have finaly beaten David not once but twive first on table tennis and then again on canoeing yippee, how great is that.
Have also taken Ellen out for a meal to complete taking all my children out to lunch, we went while Rosie was at college. It was good to just chat one to one as don't see so much of her since she moved out. David is thinking of doing this now too.
Have started going to pubs with fires and went to The White Bear in Farleyhole a lovely pub with lots of little rooms, it was packed and we were lucky to get a seat. It is just beyond Croydon and then you are suddenly in a country lane and then there is this lovely pub. We couldn't find the fire at first but did eventually find it. Omly had my phone with me for a pic so will need to go back to take one with the camera. Am thinking of making a poster of all the fireplaces and maybe a book or booklet maybe CAMRA might be interested lol. May go back there today for early drink.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Belly Dancing

I cannot tell you how much fun it was to go to this class last Tuesday and I am really looking forward to next Tuesday.

The people in the class were really welcoming and although it was run by age concern there seemed to be all ages there so no worries about fitting in.

The class really suited me as it was mostly on the spot without much movement of feet so it didn't make it too painful for me and I could sit out any time without anyone fussing. I still managed to do a good bit of it and felt so good afterwards. I would recommend it to anyone for fun and exercise and also a great feel good factor that is hard to describe.
All the ladies were wearing belts with coins that made a lovely rattly noise when they wiggled so am looking forward to getting one of those. hope to be able to take a picture next week.
The teacher is really good and even to warm up and cool down exercises are belly dancing moves if that is the right word.
Anyway if you get a chance to go to a lesson then defintely do.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Holidaying with Kids and other things

Have just spent a lovely week in Cornwall Geri and Catrina came but the rest of the kids didn't for various reasons. Geri beat David at go-karting which has always been on her wish list a bonus to beat him as well lol. Before I went I had a go at dying my eyelashes myself made a bit of a boob in not putting enough mixture in but it was noticable enough for a friend and Geri to comment so will do this again. Wore makeup when we went out so am putting this in as once for this task.
There was a lovely spa at the hotel so this counts as a spa visit and it was so lovely and warm that I was able to continue my swimming challenge and have now completed 24700 metres which is actually 16.5 miles out of 21 whoopee do.
For August and September I set myself a challenge not to buy any clothes and amazed myself by being able to do it for two months instead of one. I also find myself shopping in a different more thoughtful way not just mindlessly buying yet another top or skirt. May think about having one month of being allowed to buy and then one month not, it was cetainly very interesting to note how I felt differntly about shopping after not doing it for a fairly short space of time. Am also looking at ways of looking at my own wardrobe as a "shop" by putting some away or in a different wardrobe, just out of interest. We all need to be a bit more frugal these days so no harm to buy less, Am looking forward to the belly dancing class tomorrow, shoud be fun.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

September update- mostly swimming and auction

Have been to Turkey on holiday so was lucky enough to be able to carry on with my swimming challenge. Was glad to find it wasn't as far as I thought and have gone from swimming 15.000 metres to a grand total now of 24,000 metres so am well over half way there as it is only 33,880 metres or 21 miles. Am hoping to join a swimming club in October so may even get to complete it by the end of this year.

While in Turkey we went to a charity dinner and at the dinner there was an auction. David bid on a dinner for two in the Istanbul Restaurant on second beach and we won the bid so am cheekily counting this as going to an auction and bidding but if I get to go to a real auction will do so.

We had a lovely meal in the restaurant and if you are ever in altinkum would highly recommend it.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Go On A Picnic

Without realising it Michelle helped me achieve this with very little effort. Michelle organised a picnic for this weekend and we all went to the park near her and Pierces -Norbury Lake which is very pretty. Michelle had made lots of sandwiches and brought drinks and fruit. Ellen made cakes, Tom bought a limited supply of crisps- his words and some yum, yums and I had made some cornish pasties and brought hot chocolate which everyone thought was funny and no-one drunk except me when I got home.

We had seats and blankets and it was lvoely that everyone came children, partners and grandchild.

David had a walk around the lake and then David, Ellen, Pierce and Geri played "frisbee" with the lid of Ellen's caketin.

A lovely time was had by all and I hope it can be repeated again soon.

Outdoor Cinema

I remember once when we were in Greece somewhere we saw some people sitting out in the sun watching a film. It looked like such a nice thing to do I decided to add it to my list.
So... I saw an advert for Wimbledon film club short film festival at Merton Abbey Mills so myself and David duly attended.

Unfortunately it was not a bit like my rosy idea of a warm summers evening watching a lovely film.

The people running it were all a bit- how can I say this politely- dozy. "Now you want 2 tickets and they are £3 each so thats..." Didn't feel like helping out a grown man with 3 plus 3.
A few other organisers were fiddling with the projector trying to get it to line up with the screen for about half an hour. In retrospect this was the best bit of the evening.

Once the films started they were just in the main unintelligable to us any rate. A man sitting in front of us was laughing madly at a film about Virginia Woolfe but maybe it was just over our heads. Another film was a line drawing of two conjoined people dancing and I'm sure was very meaningful to someone but not to us. I didn't even understand the notes about another film about a Russian which seemed to consist of lots of people standing around wearing scary and scarier make-up.
We decided to leave after this point in case I got nightmares so although it is an experience I can cross off my list I am hoping to repeat it at Dulwich picture gallery where they are showing Mamma Mia- sounds like it will be a much better night for it couldn't have been worse but at least it was an experience.


Had a very successful and enjoyable time blackberrying with David, Geri, Emma and Catrina.
Pierce and Michelle were on their way to come but as there were 4 of us we had finished picking before they got as far as Morden. David showed us where there was an apple tree and David and Geri climbed the tree to pick some apples. Then Emma got on Geri's shoulders to get to some hard to reach ones.

When we got back I made lots of jam after a quick call to David's Mum to ask her how to make it and she had a great suggestion for the lack of jam jars. So in the end I made 8 "mugs" of jam and 2 blackberry and apple pies. Will add Peggy's recipe for jam to the family recipe book although this is going a bit slow owing to the lack of response so will have to chivvy a few people along

Friday, 14 August 2009

August- Update

Have not had a very good month this month having had sinusitus and generally feeling a bit blah.
However am going blackberrying tomorrow hopefully with a few helpers and maybe to outdoor cinema. Am having bit of problem to finding enough jam jars but will improvise with tupperware or something - who cares-lol
Not done soap making but have done a lot of cooking as we are trying to eat a bit healthier and have a bit more variety.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

July August- things I am working on

Feel like I am doing pretty well with my list so am usual am working on a good few things this month.

Have been to the library and got out 3 books found it hard to choose as had to make sure they weren't too heavy to hold- sounds silly really but thats the reality.
Am going to definitely start filling out the gratitiude journal because I promised Danielle I would so they will keep me on my toes.
Atill working on chucking out stuff need help from Geri as she is quite routhless need to get to 50 might try to do it all in one day and take a pic it might be an interesting pile of stuff.

Have got the moulds for soap but not ingredients think will start with easier pouring method before messing about with chemicals.

On the make up front am going to get my elelashes dyed at the same time as going for weekend make up wearing. I wonder if anyone will notice.

Have gotta get on and do the recipe book so will start an email for that now and hope to get it out to people maybe for extra Christmas pressie if it takes too long but hopefully before.

Continuing with taking some good photos and get back to freerice for a few more grains and thats it for this month now onto other blog updates.

Update on lots of things

Feel like have got way behind with this so for a bit of catch up will write what have worked on and what will work on this month in one long post. Hope it is not too long.

Will be able to carry on with swimming as have found warm pool to join only in Wimbledon and reasonable membership so will be able to carry on with swimming the channel. Was very glad to find that it is not 380,000 yards wide!!!
Couldn't go to the flower show as had very painful feet tired and hip pain but hope to be up for it next year unless I can find one on between now and then.
Tried reiki and pain machine for a month, think pain machine has been more successful but still use Reiki for facial pain when it is bad and it seems to help.

Have sent a video of Catrina doing pressups to you've been framed although it was taken with a camera phone and may not be good enough quality. Will try to have camera at ready to video her doing other funny things.

Have started taking some pictures to have enlarged taking some on my spoon theme and also will take some good family ones to have framed to use in Turkey.

My friend Kym takes some lovely phots so will try to have good look at hers to give ideas and techniques to use for future.

Have been listening to songs on ipod while swimming but the ipod crashed so now I don't know where I am and have lost about 1000 songs so will have to update it from whoevers itunes library I used before.

Lunch with Kids- number 3

Went to lunch/dinner with Geri and Catrina had to come too of course. See quite a lot of Geri since I got back from Turkey but wanted to tell her what a good mother she is to Catrina and how well she is doing with looking after Danielle and all.

We had a lovely time Geri as ever is very easy to talk to and Catrina is sooo lovely she was one on Saturday but is still so tiny.

Only Ellen left to go to lunch with but we have agreed to make it dinner as she is working mosts days.

Dye Hair Blue

Have been trying to do this for a long time so Geri put the colour on me today when I was visiting her at Dan's house. Catrina has had a little bit too.

Will post a picture here soon not sure if I feel brave enough to go out with it but will take a picture in pub if I do.

Have a lot of posts to catch up on have not been too goood since returning from Turkey but will try and catch up with both blogs soon

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Learning Turkish

Arrived in Turkey with two phrase books and various tracks on my ipod.

I had been listening for some time to Turkish songs and some Turkish Cd's but had found it quite difficult to get my head round the language.

I also had a small card from a restaurant with a few helpful phrases so decided to just jump in and have a go using the few ords that I knew.

Turkish people are very friendly and love it if you make even the slightest effort to use Turkish and also like to practice a bit of English on you.

My first challenge was to try to get my small garden done by local Beche- or watchmen.

At one point there were three Turkish ladies all trying to help me at once and only two phrase books between us.
The watchman- called Ramazan came to see me and with much pointing, holding up earth and smiling we worked out that he would come in the morning and put in earth and I think he said flowers too- cheeeckeks. He also said in Turkish you are my neighbour no need to pay. Wow.
The next day he arrived with his wife and thet went with pickaxes to the field infront of us until they could find soil and brought it over to us in wheelbarrows along a wooden structure he had made to get it up my steps. My goodness they both worked so hard I gave Ramazan water and made his wife sit and have tea with me and we got out the phrasebooks and "talked" about our children.
Had a bit of debate over what to pay with brother an d sister-inlaw and settled on 100tl although probably a lot to us it was worth it not to dig in the heat find garden cenre and flowers.
Over the course of the day Ramazan came with lots of flowers and just rammed them into the earth and of course if you have a knack like that they all take. So there I had instant garden.
Dorsun his wife brought me dinner the next night- stuiffed vine leaves-from my own vine- how dumb am I not to work out that is where vine leaves come from and we then went back and forth over the next few weeks with stuffed vegetables, cakes, scones and fruits. My favourite being eric the plum. Its easy to remember a word in Turkish if it has an English name

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Sewing Dress and Saresses

Suzanne tried to help me make a saress before I went to Turkey but unless you were very tiny it wouldn't have fitted anyone. Oops I think I made the seams too wide.
I took a small sewing machine with me to Turkey and had a go at making some saresses and a dress.

Unfortunately the cotton I took with me was very fragile and kept breaking which was very frustrating.

I abandoned the saresses and started making some beach coveralls using a selection of mine and Linda's to make an easy pattern but again was hsampered by the cotton.

I then made a very simple dress strapless with elasticated waist using the best cotton that I had.

So will have to make sure take better cotton to Turkey or find local dress-making shop.

Have bought home my favourite dress from Turkey which is very simple and comfortable to wear with a view to making some more to wear when I am in Turkey again in September.

So I am saying yes I made a dress but not saresses as they proved too difficult and will make beach coveralls instead

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Listening to Ipod songs

Found this was much easier to do if I was swimming along at the same time. Dooing one helped the other so to speak. of course not only was i swimming mostly I was singing along too.

Was happily singing to myself when a Turkish workman came to see what all the noise was about but gave me a smile and a thumbs up so hopefully he didn't think it was too bad.
Was on B when I arrived- breaking uo is hard to do then went through Christmas ia all around- bit strange to listen to that in 30 degrees in Turkey.
on to Crazy Love with Van Morrison then do you love me.
heard on a song with the word- discombobulated in it - wish I could remember which one it was now.
Went through E with El Divo and have stopped on Fernando with Abba.

When I had family staying with me they were not keen on listening A to Z so had to have a few breaks but still managed to get up to 900 songs listened to from 347 when I arrived in Turkey.

Can't count the singing as karoake but can say it is a bit of practice for it.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Am back from Turkey - Swimming targets

Hi All
I have been back from Turkey for about a week now but was unable to post as have been a bit poorly but I have updated my list to show more of the ones I have completed. I had a lovely time in Turkey and made full use of the pool to help complete some of my targets.

So i was able to swim every other day and in fact probably swam most days as when the pool is just there outside your door and it is so hot , we,, it is just so inviting.

I got into a bit of a muddle about swimming the channel in a pool as I had made my target in yards them measured the pool in metres and then someone convinced me that the channel must be 380,000 yards.

Well this seemend very daunting so I set myself smaller targets starting with 1000 metres then 2 then 4, 5 and so-on.
In the end I managed to swim 15,000 metres over the six weeks.
I was really happy when I came home to find that the channel at its smallest point is 21 miles or 34,000 metres so hope that I will be able to achieve this within the two year period. Yippee.
I also went a little better than riding a tandem as i was feeling fairly well so bought a bike and was able to go round the block on it wowee

Tuesday, 2 June 2009


At the weekend I finally managed to plant my herbs altogether in a large pot. I have some mint, chives, rosemary and ..... I had planted my potatoes some weeks ago and as you can see (in the far back) they are doing really well , also at the front are some broad beans whcih my brother gave me and I ahve repotted in a larger pot, just need to get some sticks for them now. Unfortunately my tomatoes came to nothing . Not in this my picture my beetroots are also doing really well.

I also planted some geraniums and verbena in my flower beds this weekend.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Catch up

I shall try hard to check in and add some posts while Linda is away just in case anyone else is out there.
Haven't had much time for things on my list recently but half term is coming up and maybe I can reassess my list and see where I am at and then do a few posts. I am hoping to pot/plant some of the things I have brought for my garden this weekend weather permitting.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Going to Turkey

I am going on holiday to Turkey on Friday for six weeks so although I will be able to work on some of my challenges it is unlikely that I will be able to make any further posts until I get back. I will keep a diary of things I am working on and if I can get to log on will post them.

i will be working on swimming each day in the pool, dying my hair purple for the day, riding on a banana sofa in the sea, swimming the channel in the pool, holidaying in Turkey with kids and anything else I can fit in while I am there.

Am really looking forward to this trip will be having different visitors and also some time on my own-I am hoping to learn Turkish in that week. I feel like it is like having a lot of different holidays but in the one place and without loads of flights involved so great on all levels.

So hope others will keep on with their own lists and let me know how they get on.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

My Hardest Task - the DLA Form

What can I say - ITS DONE WOOHOO its going in the post tomorrow and is now in the lap of the Gods Am sooo Happy

Monday, 4 May 2009

What Are YOU Working on

Hi Loves
Have failed miserably at beating David on the Wii but am demanding a rematch.
Not managing to lose any weight but have had extenuating circumstances so am excusing myself on this one.
Have found that drinking water and eating fruit definately makes me feel better so will carry on with this as long as can really.

Received new talking book and put it onto to itunes but still needed little bit of help from Pierce- still trying to do it alone

Have been using pain machine regularily and also giving myself Reiki.

Think I am getting a lot of benefit out of using pain machine not so sure about Reiki mostly because I have badly needed pain relief.

Added new target to my list as am swapping become a reiki master for throw out 50 things as J pointed out that if I become a Reiki master I would have to teach it and cannot see myself doing this.
So how are you all doing? Let me know its lonesome here

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Two more down 79 to go!

Cheated here and added attend a swishing party! I did enjoy it and dispute being smaller I actually came home with several tops - dont know how Linda thought it was only one? Wasnt brave enough to get a tatoo but there you go. Mums has now faded bless her! Had a lovely time anyway . Here in Essex think they have got the swishing bug only not actually calling it that but same princple but you have to take along 10 items and dont have the fun of trying it on as its held in a public place !
Afraid my healthy eating plan went right out the window since the weekend away and I am finding it hard to go back to it and its only been three weeks. So need to get motivated.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Two More Down 90 to Go

Had a lovely weekend away with my family and was able to complete another two things while away . We had a swishing party and I think Liz has the record for most things that suited her. She even managed to get some things that weren't even in the swishing bag. i got a lovely blouse from Linda and Linda ended up with a top. Mum got a skirt and cardie and Sue got a top but was hampered by the fact that she is so much smaller thn us all. Wish i had that problem. It was fun though and hope to repeat it here with my friends. Nobody liked the green dress I had so back home it came ready for another swish.
We then proceeded to have fake tattoos applied but since we were all being a bit woosie we were all looking for the smallest one possible. sue took a picture so hopefully she will post it later here.
Sadly I was too much of a woose to get up and do karoake little did I know if Sue hadn't gone to bed she would have got up and sang with me. Will have to pluvk up courage another time.
Have decided to work on getting a bit healthier this month so have started drinking 8 glasses of water, giving myself reiki and using pain machine. hope to also have lost 4 pounds before I go to Turkey in four weeks and put it all back on again.
Have spent most of the day trying to complete my disability form but am nearly finished now and hope to have it completed and copied and in the post in a few days .

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Monthly Check-In-April Sue

Thought I would add my update. Still haven't managed to reach 101 but still working on that.I have completed four things on my list and I am working on several others at the moment. I am finding it quite hard doing it on my own, its no fun and think maybe I am attempting too many at once. I am going to sit down and put my list in some sort of order as I think it may help me too attempt it more easily.

1. I am please I got my new IPOD TOUCH and am finding my way around it. OOPS spoke too soon have deleted almost everything off it - cant seem to get the hang of ITUNES!

2. I was able to suss out how to upload PODCASTS to my IPOD - its been a bit of a hit or miss with my IPOD touch but think my problem is with ITUNES.

3. I managed to clean up the emails on my PC but it is a continuous process as I receive a allot of emails to do with genealogy groups I am a member of but I am managing to keep on top of it all. Has been suggested I keep a separate email address for this and will probably do this when someone shows me how!

4. Was fitted for new bras - so glad as I treated myself to some new ones which gave me a better shape - in fact Ive been back to buy some new ones several times . I'm working on a few others - health ones important as I recently learnt my cholesterol is quite high,and I'm anaemic amongst other things, so had really decided to try and eat healthily now. Manging to eat more fruit and have breakfast so hopefully things will become easier. Easier said than done. Trying to catch Linda up with the free rice one but nowhere near her, yet.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Monthly Check-In-April Linda

I can't believe its only been a month and I have already managed to complete 8 things from my list. It must be all those years of target setting for pain relief and pacing that have helped me.

1 We had a lovely spa day together here and may repeat it, it was very relaxed hope to do another one maybe at my Mum's.
2 I really enjoyed getting rid of the work papers and if I find any more bits around I just rip them up and throw them away-freedom.
3 I liked wearing the dresses every day and got a few compliments off hubby so may wear them more often.
4 The blog has been very interesting to do ad I can't wait to see Sues one about geneology I'm sure it will be very good, so although I have complted my month and as you know am doing two blogs I will carry on at least until the 1001 days are up.
5 Following on from the blog was writing an article about the 101 list for the fibro group so one target helped complete another one- how great was that.
6 Putting more plants in garden was really lovely and I can't wait to see all the flowers caome up. 7 Sharing skills has gone really well and I am hoping to learn card making with a friend or sister Liz?
8 What a week it was in Turkey went way out of my energy envelope but my house is beautiful and I can't wait to go back there in five weeks time.

Things I am still working on are donating rice to freerice which makes you feel goos as well as keeping the old brain ticking over. Have started a website but not done anything to it other than link it to this blog. Still trying to wear all clothes in my wardbobe which should be easier now have tidyed up and ordered it. Cupboard tidying is ongoing helped by my little mousey visitor.
Sharing skills has gone really well and I am hoping to learn card making with a friend or sister Liz?

My only problem was not buying clothes for a month only lasted 25 days then "needed" new pajamas for Turkey. Soooo have to start again on that one although I think I certainly saved some money. Will have to try and look at my wardrobe as my new "shop".

hope to see a few more people adding their posts but I can always do it for you and even their lists.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Monthly Check-In April

Just wondered if everybody who is following the 101 list could just write a brief note about how they are getting on so far either here or by email and I will add it on for you.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Buying Furniture for Turkish House

Had a lovely week buying lots of lovely furniture and bits and bobs for our new house in Turkey.

I was lucky enough to go with Liz my sister who had a good look when she thought I was getting too tacky and she was great for dealing with any problems. I would have just let them go because of lack of energy but Liz was quite happy to sort out teething problems.

The house looks lovely now we spent too much but it is worth it it was quite depressing to come back to my normal messy house but have got over that now and am just thinking about trying to make it just as nice to come home to. Not an easy task but it is on my list to declutter cupboards and make improvements. Just hard to do all things at once.

Am trying to look at how to put some photos on so may try to add a few pics here.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Last week I had a new laptop brought for me - no not another present to myself and it has prompted me to start tidying up my photographs on my old one. My youngest is after my old laptop so he has been pestering me too hurry up. I was amazed at haw many photograph I have stored and have never had them printed off. I also found I had the same photograph stored twice sometimes three times! It hasn't taken me too long - still have some photgraphs stored on an external hardrive and main PC but these are probably copies of the ones I have on my laptop so will get round too them soon. It has also helped me thinking about my scrapbooking as I have found lots of photgraphs I could use for Georgia and Alfie's scrapbook. I will need to get some photographs printed off.

Hopefully next week I will be able to start on them.

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Buying Furniture for Turkey

I am going away today with my sister Liz to Turkey to buy furniture for our house.

It is all very exciting and hubby has given me free reign to buy anything I like, what a fantastic gift that is have a huge list and hope there will be enough money to buy everything.

I am back on Sunday so will update then unless I can find an internet cafe in Altinkum

Gulet gulet

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Sharing a Skill -flower arranging

The nice thing about this target is that the sharing is both ways. Met up with two good friends today to learn what to do with tulips. Was a bit worried would be rubbish at this but luckily Diane is a good teacher and brought along everything we needed to make a lovely display.
Must learn how to put photos onto this blog so you can see our lovely creations.
It really is an interesting passtime and might give it another go soon even if only re-using the display elements for the tulips.

Had a lovely lunch supplied by Phillipa and then went home for an afternoon nap, a lovely morning

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Bra fitting

I cannot remember the last time I was fitted for a bra if indeed I ever have been. I went last week to Marks and Spencer to be fitted.

More Flowers in the Garden 2

It's Mothers Day today so Happy Mothers Day to you all.

For Mothers Day I got some gladioli bulds and also a clever packet of seeds called the Red Garden full of well seeds for red plants. Apparently you just have to sprinkle them like magic fairy dust and lots of lovely red flowers will come up all summer. Just need to get somone to plant the gladioli bulbs all 45 of 'em. now Ellen bought them so.... ELLEN

Also got two lovely Dragon trees for conservatory as have managed to kill my maidenhead fern and another soft leafy plant that was in there. Maybe too cold in the winter for them.

Friday, 20 March 2009

Write a short story and send it to a magazine

I realise that I have kind of completed this because I wrote an article about the 101 challenge and sent it to my local fibro group. It has already been published on their website and will be in the next newsletter.

I may still write a short story I was thinking of sending one up to Prima so will follow on if I do this.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

More Flowers in the Garden

Having filled the hanging baskets with lots of colourful plants I decided to carry on and buy more plants for the beds, I am hoping to have a riot of colour for the summer. Will post pictures when all in bloom.
Tom took me to B and Q and Joyce took me to a garden centre on Tuesdayso heres what has been planted:
Cytisius -goldfinch- the picture does look like little colourful birds
Heuchera lovely reddish colour and lobellia - a deep red
Seddum- lots of green, red, and yellow
Viola- sorbet yellow and lovely purples
Pansies- yellow, purple and sizzling burgundy with frilly edges
Mossy Saxifrage- pastel colours mixed
aubretia- purple
dwarf veronica- blue and purple
Aquillega- summer pastel
And not really a flower but have always wanted one a quarter size Kilmarnock Willow it is pretty with lovely soft catkins.
So all the above join the camelia rhodedendrons for colour now to be followed by fuchia bushes and then monbretia in the autumn. Heres hoping that will give me some lovely colour for lots of the year. Think I will take pictures of the beds weekly to see the changes.
Had a lovely time planting them up today sitting on my little gardening stool can't wait for them to flower.
Was thinking about not getting bedding plants but they give so much pleasure immediately and cost no more than a good bouquet so thought it was worth it and they look lovely.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Ipod Touch

I decided to treat myself to an IPOD touch! I have been doing lots of paperwork at home in my own time for the preschool where I work and its usually unpaid but as its essential paperwork I put in to be paid for it.Used some of my savings as well. Its my new baby and I have just taken it out of the box.

Hopefully wont take me too long too learn how to use it!

Suzannes 101 List 13/101

101 Thing to Do in 1001 Days

13 /101
1 Paint Utility Room
2 Decorate Lounge
3 Paint Kitchen
4 Set Up Aerial Booster
5 Connect Bedroom TV to loft aerial
6 Connect Dinning room TV to loft aerial
7 Change wall lights in bedroom
8 Hammer toilet panel pins flush
9 Clear junk from garage
10 Organise garage tools etc
11 Make space in garage for keep fit equipment
12 Have dripping tap in bathroom fixed
13 Finish all knitting started 1/2 nearly finished second one
14 Finish Crochet Afghan for bed
15 Finish Flower Fairy Cross stitch
16 Finish Covering 3 piece suite
17 Make a summer dress pattern
18 Get material for dress 11/03/2009
19 Cut material and make dress
20 Sell knitting machine on e-bay
21 Sell stitch linker on e-bay
Clearing and Tidying
22 Organise Clothes in wardrobe
23 Take unwanted clothes to charity shop
24 Alter any clothes that need it
25 Clear junk from box room started 1st March 2009
26 Take any junk to dump/charity shop
27 Clear junk from loft
28 Take junk to dump/charity shop
29 Organise stuff in left in loft so it can be found easily
30 Stop leaving things on standby
31 As light bulbs blow change for energy saving bulbs
32 Write out a weekly dinner menu
33 Make a shopping list based on dinner menu and stick to it
34 Check e-mails at least once a week keeping up to date inbox empty of unread
35 Lose 1st 0/14
36 Do at least 1/2 hour exercise a day for at least a month 0/31
37 Give up smoking
38 Wear a skirt or dress at least once a week 7/50
39 Style hair every day for a month 31/31

40 Go ice skating at least once in the 1001 days
41 Start drinking at least 1ltr of water a day 31/31 but keeping it up
42 Stop drinking tea after 9pm 31/31 sleeping better so keeping it up
43 Read all my self help books 0/15
44 Go on Lightning process course
45 Sort out all photos
46 Put photos into albums
47 Put Digital photos onto PC and Picassso
48 Read course work for proof reading
49 Do and send in 1st assignment
50 Do second assignment 0/52 only have year to do this
51 Help Emma with her drivers theory test
52 Sort through all recordable video tapes 30/30
53 Throw away worn video tapes nearly done

54 Label recordable video tapes and make a note of what get recorded on them
55 Put all music CD's onto itunes 45/50
56 Transfer itunes to external hard drive
57 Listen to all songs on ipod
58 Transfer podcasts to external hard drive
59 Listen to all podcasts
60 Buy Summer flowers and plant in garden
61 Take up plastic sheeting on borders
62 Gradually bark all border to stop weeds front done
63 Transfer bulbs from pots to borders
64 Buy new arch to replace broken one arch bought and is up
65 Use up food in freezer to plan meal
66 Block up hole in bedroom
67 Finish Professor Leyton on Nintendo DS
68 Beat Linda's total on bejewelled on Ipod Touch (590,000 no chance haha)
69 Wear makeup once a week for a month 4/31
70 Learn how to put make up on
71 Go to cinema once a month 0/30

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Putting podcasts onto Ipod

How strange? Was just charging up my IPOD and Michael showed me how to put the podcasts I have previously downloaded on to my IPOD Easy when you know how! There are so many of them I'll have to listen to them all to sort out the good from the bad. Hope its as easy when I get my Ipod touch!

Putting Talking books onto Ipod

Pierce was here today so I took the opportunity to get a lesson in how to put the talking books I receive from calibre onto the computer and then my Ipod.

It proved to be fairly simple- when you know how lol but have also saved a how to doc on word just in case I forget before the next one comes.

The first one is called A Barefoot Wedding and the second one to put on was A Short History of Tractors in Ukraine- hope they are good stories.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Joys List

Joy Emailed me this some timr ago so sorry should have put it on before now

Learn to sing 4 songs on Sing Star
De-clutter house
Make friends with my Mum
Make muffins at least twice a month
Have spa day at home with friends
Have Turkish Massage
Pay off credit cards
Pay off mortgage
Save towards emergency fund 3 months out goings
Go to meditation class
Don't buy any clothes for a month
Stretch and relax shoulders for at least 5 mins ev day month
Go to comedy club
Go to cinema that has sofas in Knightsbridge
Go to outdoor cinema
Make bedroom beautiful
Make garden beautiful
Dance in house at least once a week
Help Nic fix garage and garden doors
Plant more flowers in garden
Make blinds for front room
Grow herbs on window ledge
Spring clean every room
Dig up wild bamboo in garden
Dye my hair purple
Run and enjoy a mother and toddler singing group
Scrape paint off side of stairs
Oust the mouse from the house – help Nic fix kitchen
Go for bike ride at least once a month
Drink 8 glasses of water a day for a month
Talk to sister at least once a week
Learn to play 2 pieces on piano
Keep to food-combining for 90% of meals
Go back to Calanques with Nic
Talk with brother at least once a month
Go grey and enjoy it
Learn Tai Chi form
Go for a walk at least once a week
Save a lot more
Go to lunch alone with each of my children
Put family photos on wall on stairs
Do nice things for Nic twice a week
Meditate every day for a month
Learn to play ukelele one song well
Wear makeup every weekend for a month
Have eyelashes dyed
Learn words to a Muse song
Try Samba
Make some saresses for family and friends - what are these??
Make pattern for dress and make it
Go to tea dance in afternoon
Sing karoake in public
Go dancing with friends
Visit all pubs in Surrey bit of 2009 good beer guide with fire with Nic
Wear a dress at least twice a week for a month
Wear everything in my wardrobe at least once or give it away
Keep gratitiude journal for month 5 things a day
Go on a picnic
Book a hotel on Friday to go on Saturday
Take dance class
Take some good photos and enlarge and frame them
Decorate hall landing and stairs
Go skiing carefully
Visit Southwark cathedral
Apply for Threshold at work
Take Mum to church/cathedral in London
Have lunch with friends once a month
Blow big bubbles in the garden
Feel good about being a Mum once a day
Grow salad and herbs outside
Read 20 books on shelves
Watch 50 new DVDs
Steam clean rugs
Write stuff in diary
Do yoga at least 3 times a week
Learn Makaton
Feel gratitude to my life partner once a day
Make 3 gifts
Put £10 away each time complete challenge use to finance other goals
Paint lounge
Feel gratitude to my parents once a day
Spend a weekend doing exactly what I want once a year
Go to a spa once a year
Make cushions
Do all yoga + tai chi Dvds at least once
Give 5- just because-gifts
Donate 10000 grains of rice ot Freerice ??
Go blackberrying and make jam
Paint an oil painting on canvas
Make a quilt
Knit a scarf
Go to belly dancing class
Laugh at least once a day
Insulate and board loft space
Make 5 cards
Catch up with all old friends
Go to 3 concerts
Give myself reiki every day for a month
Give Indian Head Massage
Go to theatre at least 4 times
Learn words to Limkin Park song

More Flowers in the Garden

Went out today with Ellen to garden centre for bedding plants for hanging baskets, We bought primullas, pansies, lupins and little pansies- know these are called something else but can't think of there name right now.
Ellen got more pots and compost for her vegetable plot on top of the air raid shelter. We then spent a happy hour or so re-potting hanging baskets and a few pots. ellen potted up a plum tree and various other stuff up on the roof.

I need to do a bit of research now of what plants to buy for the beds as would like it to have a riot of colour in the summer so this job is only half complted but the baskets and pots look nice.

Not Buying Clothes

I can't believe how hard I am finding this, luckily in some ways have not been well enough to go out to shops like I would usually but am sorely tempted by clothes in magazines and the internet. I am still looking but have not bought anything.

Have asked for clothes for Mothers Day to help me but would really like to go out myself. My wardrobe is actually jam packed with clothes and I am trying to wear items not worn before but it is not giving me as much pleasure as actually going out and buying something new.

I even looked at clothes-pajamas- in Lidl I was getting that deperate but I couldn't bring myself to buy something there. Still am halfway through so will perservere, was hoping to try this for longer but do not have the willpower.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Spa Day at Home

Had a lovely day today with Joyce and Suzanne having a spa day at home. Got up early and had a bit of a tidy up then got ready with facepacks, magazines, Zen Chi Machine and massagers as well as Orgasmatron- not as rude as it sounds- and reflexology rollers. Had made simple soup for lunch. Joyce arrived with lovely pudding of friut jelly and yoghurt yum and Suzanne bought make-up to experiment with.

We started with noisy things things such as massagers and the Zen Chi machine and we did a kind of circuit between the three things, chatting away all the time as you do.

Joyce tried out the Orgasmatron but its a bit like tickling- you can't do iy yourself.

We had lovely lunch and then settled down for facepacks and meditation. We listened to Jan Sadler Five Feel Good Factors which was very relaxing although we looked pretty wierd with the facemasks on- especially as mine and Joyces were actuallt masks made of paper and very very cold.

After that we had tea played the Yes No Game to make us laugh and packed up ready for the others to go home, We were all chilled relaxed and happy. Sorry to those that missed it hope to have another soon Linda

Lunch with Pierce

Had a lovely lunch yesterday with Pierce in Fullers pub near Guys hospital. Nice food bit too much for both of us should have shared it. Had lovely chat with Pierce about his work, he will probably be going to Boston again in a few weeks. He then had to leave me to go back to work for a video conference call with Boston. Glad he is enjoying his job and he also showed me a picture of snow in Ireland where MIchelle is visiting her Dad and family. Think Sue is right to include partners of children so will add them into my list. Will meet Pierce again for lunch for next appointment which I foulnd out is not till December!! so hopefully will just do it again before then anyway.


Sunday, 8 March 2009

Sue List - 8th April 2014

My new 101 list.

1. Complete the 52# ancestors blog challenge 0/52

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Sues - starters orders

Got off to a good start today - worked on my list and now have 79! Hopefully finish it tomorrow.
Went out to dinner with OH - he thought it was 1/1001. I had to enlightened him that it was once a month he had to take me out to breakfast (may be not if its too early) / lunch/dinner - did have to agee that once in a while the'kids' could come too for special occasion i.e birthdays! Quiet here this weekend so working on a few things while I have the chance! I think I may have to set myself a some target for each month otherwise Ill be working on too many and as always will get muddled!

Friday, 6 March 2009

101 things in 1001 days - late starter

Thanks to Linda for starting us off on this challenge! I started my challenges today - haven't managed to get 101 things on my list so it is a work in progress . If I wait until I get too 101 we may be half way through the challenge. There are lots of things when I think about it that I want to do to do but never seem to have the time to do so hopefully this will help me in my quest.
Haven managed to do one already on my list - upload photograghs to my Ipod- dont ask me how but I did. Like the sound of taking each of my children out to lunch but guess they might run a mile. Will work on my list this weekend as have been busy with work.


39 things - David's List 6/39

Have had to help David with his list so he won't really be joining in much but will just list it as of course will have to do some of them with him.

1 Go hot air ballooning
2 Laser eye surgery
3 Walking tours in Turkey
4 Do the lottery
5 Learn to swim
6 Plaster walls in bathroom
7 front garden
8 Replace kitchen cupboards
9 Kitchen plumbing
10 chech out wiring and electrics
11Make front porch
12 Drive Bond car - Austin Martin DB5
13 Go to pub with equally visually challeged friend without glasses
14 Try bates method for improving eyesight
15 Go to Portmerion where prisoner was filmed
16 Go in helicopter to Scilly Isles
17 Repair- replace outside gate
18 Replace front door
19 Fix fence at bottom of garden with Ellens help
20 Replace fences in garden?
21 Go to Slaidburn in Yorkshire
22 Visit Surrey pubs with Linda 27/40
23 Go see cholesterol nurse
23keep job for at least five years
24Get reports in on time
25 Save £1000 by cutting down alcohol
26 Have at least 2 alcohol free days a week
27 cycle to work two days a week in the summer
28 Go to see Jersey boys
29Go to Saltzberg
30Go to Cannizarro open air theatre it is now closed!!
31Go to football match with Ellen
32Go go-karting with Geri
33 Go rock-climbing with Tom and Pierce
34 Go Ape with Pierce
35 Holiday on a train journey
36Go on a Turkish Gulet holiday
37 Drive a Morgan
38 Go To Caribbean Island where there are lots of Ferriters-Montenegro?
39 Go up crowsnest on old fashioned schooner

Lunching with Children and Burning Work Papers

Thomas was off today so I just thought I'd ask him to come to lunch with me. We had a lovely lunch and a good chat so hope to repeat it again after have done once each with other kids.

Tom then encouraged me to complete another 101 so we set about burning all papers to do with my work complaint. At first I was holding some back like the nasty report my boss sent to OH saying I was a burden and the letters from my colleagues saying I was favoured by other bosses and took long lunches etc- but then decided it was best to do them all. Tom has taken my picture by the bonfire so hope to post that on here too.There are stil a few odd bits of paper around so will burn them as I find them probably on our normal fire as we might as well get a bit of heat out of them lol

Spa Day At Home With 101ers

Am having a spa day here on Tuesday for local 101ers. Pity we are not all closer but why don't you have one too. Would like to see all other 101 lists but no- one has posted them here yet or emailed.

We will be giving and recieving hand massages and maybe learn about Indian Head Massage if I can remember how to do it. Face packs maybe deep condition on hair, back massage with portable massager, nail bar, make-up experiments, lunch amd maybe a chick flick.

If you have any other ideas for what to do let me know

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

This months targets

I think I am going to work on a few things this month. I am starting the not buying clothes for a month. This is hard for me but if I combine it with wearng clothes out of my wardrobe that I haven't worn then hopefully I won't feel deprived of my clothes fix. When I look in my wardrobe it is actually bursting at the seams so really no need for me to buy anything but have to decide what to wear to Mum's 95th birthday party.
The listening to all my songs on my ipod is ongoing so am up to about 92 and find it very interesting.
I am also going to try to go on the wii starting this month as am now in negative pounds for ly losing 30lb goal since going away last week- may have to rethink that one or just start from where I am now.
Don't forget to follow the blog and post some comments.
If you also subscribe anytime there is a new post it will be sent to your inbox.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

101 things in 1001 days- Linda's List 91/101

101 Things in 1001 day Linda's List

completed 81/ 101

1. Lose 30lb and keep it off -9/30 ongoing am determined to get there and keep it off unfortunately have put back on 8lb so will really need to get a wiggle on if I am going to achieve this
2. Play on Wii 3 times a week for a month 4/12
3. Swim every other day when in Turkey in the summer5 56+/56 swam nearly every day this summer
4. Do all fitness DVDs in cupboard at least once 5/5
5. Have spa day at home with friends 1/1 planned for next Tues Had another day in Turkey with new neighbour Sevcan it was her birthday
6. Have Turkish Massage 1/1
7. Pay off half credit cards 7000/9000
8. Pay off half of other debts 16800/11500
9. Save towards emergency fund  200/1000
10.Ride a Horse 1/1
11. Don't buy any clothes for a month 24/31 bought pajamas need to start this one again 61/31 completed in August and ongoing half September managed to do two months. Now finding it hard to buy clothes!!
12. Use pain machine every day for a month record if it helps 31/31

13. Go to comedy club 1/1 have found one in pub in Surrey hope to go in January 2010
14. Go to cinema that has sofas in Knightbridge 0/1
15. Go to outdoor cinema 1/1 3 times now
. Cover sofa cushions 5/5 have dyed them all like a new sofa
17. Get Front garden tidyed 1/1 Thomas has done temporary job on this until funds are available David has retidyed this say this will be ongoing until funds available, Tom keeping this very tidy
18. Insulate loft space and put flooring 0/1 loft space insulated by Tom but no flooring put in yet so half done
19. Fix fence at bottom of garden 1/1 stuff bought david and ell started and completed
20. Plant more flowers in garden hanging baskets done 14 march beds 19th March

21. Get curtains for front room 1/1 have stitched existing curtains together which makes it much warmer in room till can afford to buy new. sofas now same colour as curtains so no need for new!!
22. De-clutter every cupboard in house 12/15 made a start on this cos of mouse
23. Spring clean every room- not me!! 4/8
Geri is doing this for me
24. Complete the dreaded Disability form 39/39 pages its done hooray and have been successful now completed this twice
25. Dye my hair purple or blue or pink before I am too old to 1/1

26. Throw out 50 things glasses ,tableclothes, clothes, Cd rack, magasine rack, jewellry boxes 82/50 Have thrown out 50 items of clothing today
27. Try a flotation tank 1/1 Have voucher to go with Jenny booked 11th February
28. Learn Turkish good enough to hold conversation in shop or restaurant 2/2
29. Stay in Bellek Castle 0/1
30. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for a month 31/31 start 20th April still drinking it
31. Go for a ride in a hot air balloon 0/1
32. Go to have feet nibbled at place in Turkey 1/1 Have voucher to go here went in  January to Rose Hill
33.Ride on ring sofa by sea 1/1 sccaaarrrryyyy
34. Go to Saltzburg to waltz and opera with David 0/1
35. Get a tattoo even if it is fake haha 1/1 went for fake heart with Liz, Linda and MUM maybe real if complete 101 of number -101
36. Drive an open top sports car 1/1 planned for Sept holiday drove a jeep in Turkey
37. Go to Istanbul 0/1
38. Have a bonfire with all papers re work complaint 1/1 completed marvellous
39. Swim the English channel in pool 33880metres/33,880 metres completed while on holiday in Turkey bonjour am now on way back have returned so have swam both ways now
40. Go to lunch alone with each of my children-don't be scared kids 4/4
41. Make some soap 0/4
42. Go blackberrying and make jam 8/6 pots second time 8 more jars this year, and 8 more by freezing fruit and 10 more this year making jam is great
43. Meditate every day for a month 31/31
44. Learn to play ukelele one song well 0/1
45. Wear makeup every weekend for a month 4/4
46. Have eyelashes dyed 1/1

47. Make air raid shelter into house 0/1
48. Listen to all songs on ipod A-Z  3765/3765  completed while swimming on holiday in Turkey
49. Make some gifts for family and friends 4/4 Have made cushions for Ellen and Michelle and baby blankets for Lisa and Anthea as well as heating pack for Danielle
50. Make pattern for dress and make it 1/1
51. Go to tea dance in afternoon 0/1
52. Sing karoake in public 1/1
53. go dancing with friends 1/1
54. visit all pubs in Surrey bit of 2010 good beer guide with fire with David 30/30
55. Wear a dress every day for a week 7/7
56. Wear everything in my wardrobe at least once or give it away 81/100 ish
57. Keep gratitiude journal for month 5 things a day 31/31
58. Go on a picnic 2/1 Michelle organised this and she didn't even know it was on my list
59. Book a hotel on Friday to go on Saturday 2/1
60. Take dance class (with David for bonus £10) 1/1
61. Take some good photos and enlarge and frame them 4/4
62. Have family portrait done 0/1
63. Make use of library go at least five times 5/5
64. Go to Bath for a holiday 0/1
65. Have a clothes swapping party 1/1 completed 19th April
66. Add more slate to back garden 1/1
67. Go to auction and buy something nice 1/1
68. Blow big bubbles in the garden with Catrina 2/1 did this here and in Turkey
69. Go to three art galleries 4/3
70. Send up a video to you've been framed 1/1
71. Read 50 books 50/50
72. Watch 50 new DVDs 50/50
73. Read a Turkish book or newspaper 1/1 have bought a Turkish cooking magazine which I have read and have also read the Koran
74. Write a short story and send it to a magazine 1/1
75. Make and print family recipe book 12/12
76. Do an online blog for a month 31/31
77. Learn to put talking books onto my computer instead of having to ask P or T 12/12
78.Try an airport lounge 2/1
79. Write a song 3/1
80. Sing a song and record it 1/1 have written another song that I really like so am going to try to record it myself maybe upload to youtube! Have recorded my song and saved it but not uploaded it anywhere yet
81. Ride on a trike in London 1/1
82. Spend a weekend doing exactly what I want once a year 3/3 had a whole week or more of this in Turkey
83, Go to a spa once a year 3/3
84. Go to Ritz for high tea 1/1 went to high tea with my Mum and sister at Tiptree jam factory lovely
85. Go to London be a tourist on tourist bus 1/1 waiting to go now with Pierce next Thursday
86. Give 5- just because-gifts 5/5
87. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice to Freerice 23,000/1,000,000* Do at least 5 random acts of kindness with no expectation of a return for them 5/5
88. Ride on back of tandem 1/1  rode  social cycle in Chichester
89. Paint an oil painting on canvas 1/1
90. Make a quilt 1/1 have made some patchwork cushions and working on quilt now finished
91. Knit a squares blanket 2/1 30 squares knitted for a 5 foot by 6 foot blanket have knitted one for Turkey and one for here
92. Go to belly dancing class 20/1 Have found a class and will be going in October. Wow what fun
93. Write a book nanowrimo 50,108 words/50,000 on second book now about 101 list!
94. Beat David on the Wii ideally tennis but will settle for golf 2/1 tabletennis and canoeing
95. Holiday with kids here and in Turkey 2/2
96. Furnish house in Turkey completed hooray

97. Make a bean bag footstool 2/2 am going to make covers for our cream footstools in Turkey made by Turkish seemstress in brown
98. Give myself reiki every day for a month 31/31 start 20th April don't feel like it made much dif but still use it for face pain
99. Share a skill-reflexology or indian head massage, computer training with Joyce 3/4 flower arranging with Diane Tues 26th March quilt making with Shirley and now also Mum, Sue and Phillipa and a little group
100. Learn how to make cards 30/12 am going to make some christmas cards. Am now addicted to card making am going to make all my birthday cards for the year
101. Go to flower show 1/1 I am going to Hampton Court flower show tomorrow

102. Go to a play by Shakespeare maybe at the Globe
103. Go to the theatre 3 times 3/3  Dinner Ladies, Mamma Mia, The Railway Children
104. File all papers in new filing cabinet - completed
105. Go on a narrow boat holiday or trip
106, Go to a Beer festival
107. Make some candles 5/5
108. Go to a gig and bravely in the mosh pit hopefully to see the Dualers- Dualers split up so will have to see someone else Dualers playing Kingston on 5th November
109. Go to a foam party -Turkey?
110. Go to a ballet
111.Make a desert Island Discs list and make into a page on facebook
112.make £50 to £100 pounds to help finance Turkey quidco and music magpie
113 Visit 5 London Museums  5/5
114 Try Sushi
115 Go First Class on a Train- going First class to Lisa s wedding tomorrow
116 Visit 5 London markets 4/5
117 Take part in a flash mob going to 11/11/11 in Trafalgar Square meditation flash mob
118 Go to Ladies Day at the races
119 Write five thank you letters to people that have helped me or are helping me 2/5
120. Dance with Anton Du Beck the American Smooth or Waltz
 Have a real tattoo when I complete my 101 of the number 101
purple=completed bold = working on

101 Things in 1001 Days lets start 1st March 2009

1st March 2009 to 27th November 2011
Its the day to get going and start our challenge it is so exciting, all those that are joining in seem to be really inspired by the idea though some seem to have started already- Ok guilty myself - have already worn a dress for a whole week- not the same one.
Have since noticed some other 101ers taking pictures of themselves doing their challenges so if decide to do the dress thing again will take pictures.

Hoping to take pictures of all the fireplaces in the Surrey pubs if only to prove to D's uncle that they are there lol

Am very new to blogging so hope this works out OK but think this could be the best way to keep it all going. Am taking lessons from P in how to blog so hope to make it look good and easy for us all to use. So will add on my list to this and if you send your lists to me whether completed or no I will add them to blog. You can of course add comments to this blog with your progress.

That can be next weeks lesson for me and Joyce as have been working on my sharing a skill target