Hi Loves
Have failed miserably at beating David on the Wii but am demanding a rematch.
Not managing to lose any weight but have had extenuating circumstances so am excusing myself on this one.
Have found that drinking water and eating fruit definately makes me feel better so will carry on with this as long as can really.
Received new talking book and put it onto to itunes but still needed little bit of help from Pierce- still trying to do it alone
Have been using pain machine regularily and also giving myself Reiki.
Think I am getting a lot of benefit out of using pain machine not so sure about Reiki mostly because I have badly needed pain relief.
Added new target to my list as am swapping become a reiki master for throw out 50 things as J pointed out that if I become a Reiki master I would have to teach it and cannot see myself doing this.
So how are you all doing? Let me know its lonesome here