Friday, 22 October 2010

Library and sharing a skill- quilting

Have managed to drag myself along to the local library to get some books on quilting to find that it is all change at the library.  You can now take out 20 books if you want to although I don't know how you would carry so many books.  Borrowing and returning is now all self service like self service at the supermarket.
You've got to wonder what the poor librarians think with all this automated what is their job all about?
After my library visit went to a friends house who showed me how to do log cabin quilting which was very enjoyable and started me off on my next craft making project.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Turkish Massage

I was very keen to go to a Turkish Haman to have a soap massage but could not find anyone that was willing to go to one with me.  I asked my new Turkish neighbour who agreed to take me but not locally as she said they were all "piss" dirty in Turkish.
On the day before my last day in Turkey we went to a five star hotel called Blue Moon in Sagur near Maveshir.
It is a lovely hotel and the haman was beautiful first we went in the sauna to remove toxins especially if you smoke which we don't but was still swaeting madly.  Then out for a cool shower and into the steam room, this was way too hot for me and I could only manage a few minutes before being led into the haman and having buckets of hot water thrown over me.
The masseur convinced me it was perfectly safe no men allowed and I was persuaded to remove my bikini top. As it was it was only myself S and the masseuse so it was fine.
I lay down on the marble slab to be rubbed vigourly with a rough glove to remove dead and dirty skin more buckets of water then I was covered in soap and massaged which was strangely creamy and lovely.
S got the camera to take my picture covered in bubbles then more buckets of water.
I sat up to have my hair washed while being clasped to the bosom of the masseuse which felt strangely like having your hair washed by your Mum but not un pleasant then more buckets of water until shockingly the last one which eas Freeeezing brrrrr.
i was then taken to the relaxation room for a face mask to be applied wrapped up given apple tea and left to relax for a few minutes. bliss
Lastly I had an aroma- therapy massage but included a medical massage on my knee as it was painful which appeared to be something like germolene but was strangely hot then cold.
Suitably pummeled and cleaned I lay for a few minutes to relax and recover but it was absolutely lovely.
i was glad i went to a posher one instead of the local ones nad it was also like having a spa day in Turkey

Saturday, 16 October 2010

squares blanket

Decided I would start and complete my blanket in Turkey the wool is inexpensive and I have plenty of time on my hands so instead of just playing games on my ipod, I knitted away for nearly all of the five weeks I was there.
I made 30 squares about 12 inches by 12 inches in pinks and purples arranged them in a pattern and then completed the marathon task of sewing them all together about two days before i was due to leave.
I think it looks really lovely and will be very cosy when watching TV or lounging around on the cooler evening. I may add a rib around the edges next time I go but it is finished really.
I also found it a great distraction from wanting to eat snacks like chocolate and crisps so hope it will help me with my target to lose some weight.
Have more squares that my Mum and sister have made me so am going to join them together to make another blanket here for the summerhouse.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Outdoor Cinema

We had a mini version of an outdoor cinema in Turkey on our roof terrace wrapped up in a sheet to keep the mosquitos at bay.
We watched our favourite film The Holiday on the laptop with shared headphones and drinks.
Very enjoyalbe me DH and Mr Napkin head- just love you Jude Law

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Outdoor Cinema

I couldn't get to see mamma Mia at Dulwich picture Gallery last year but was able to go with my daughter and good friend to see Hairspray at Dulwich picture Gallery.
We arrived early with chairs sweets and drinks in a bag as well as warm clothes despite it being an August evening it was quite chilly.
There were various stalls for food and drink and a special stall where you could get your hair done in a beehive which I did.  Lots of people had come in fancy dress as characters from hairspray and we wished we had too but next year will definitely do depending on what it is.
Jenny Eclair awarded prizes for best costume and best beehive and I won a prize in the raffle- a flask.
There was a dancing lesson to dance along to one of the songs but not the lyrics which we were hoping for but never mind it was great fun and we will definitely go again next year.
Had a spare ticket so just gave it away to someone waiting in the queue they offered money but I refused. !st RAK

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Making a patchwork Quilt

My next making project is to make a patchwork quilt.  i have an idea to make an inspiring quilt for myself or my friend's daughter who is ill with some panels that have inspiring messages on it nothing boring though.
I sorta got the idea from a talking book i have about a signature quilt and watching The Waltons where the mother was ill and her friends all made a quilt for her with get well messages on so just have to think of some good messages to put on it.
like: You always had the power
        Love and gentle hugs
        Got enough spoons
        Peace and love
        This too will pass
       Pacing is the key
       Stay inside your energy envelope. 

Will have to do a little research
May start with a baby quilt with welcome messages on it though.  Small will be easier.

Last Day 1001 days 28th November 2011

I was just wondering how long I had left to do this challenge and thought  I would be able to find a countdown gadget to add to it but to no avail.

Anyway after doing a little search I realise I have until  28th November 2011 to complete my challenge so maybe can - relax for just a little.  panic over

Visit library 5 Times

I don't know why i am having difficulty completing this unless it is becasue it is something I think I ought to do rather than something I really want to do.
I tried to go to the library in Turkey but couldn't find it but I am now going to find a few famous libraries to go to like the British Library and any others that may be more interesting than just the local.

Listen to All songs on Ipod

Have now listened to every song on my Ipod from A to Z sometimes I got a very strange mix from classical to belly dancing music to 60's to modern.
Some I hated some I loved some I wondered why I had one version not another but it was an interesting experience.
I will add my favourites soon on a seperate post and I was also inspired to create a Desert Island Disc List from my absolute favourites after listening to the deset island disc podcasts.

Random Acts of Kindness

As i can't complete my rice challenge to freerice I have decided to do at least five random acts of kindness instead.
Nothing really planned but if an oppurtunity arrises I will just step up and do.
So my second one was that I was in Tesco Metro and if you had a Santander card it wasn't working at the till. I had a different card but another young girl didn't so I just paid for her shopping it was about £10 so no big deal., She offered to pay me back but I just said don't bother just pass it on sometime if you see someone in need.

Drive open Top Sports Car

While we were in Turkey in September we hired a very old jeep and went sight seeing in it.  The roads were rough and the jeep was even rougher so I only drove it for a very short way but it was enough to fulfill my ambition.
The wind in my hair DH by my side and beautiful countryside around us.  Thrilling.
OK not exactly open top "sports" car but good enough no complaints from me- one day an e type jag

Monday, 30 August 2010

Watch 50 DVD's

Just watched a really rubbish copy of Nanny McPhee and the big Bang but really enjoyed even though it was rather predictable.

Am currently watching The Birdcage never watched it before but it is pretty funny about a gay couple who have a son who is getting married so they are pretending to be father and uncle.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Go To a Beer Festival

Back again to Hampton Court for a beer and Jazz festival.  Although it is August it was absolutely freezing so had to dress for winter or freeze.

Wasn't really sure what I was doing when I was arrived as I don't drink beer or any alcohol (too many tablets) and not that keen on jazz.  Anyway DH friend had saved us seats and the music wasn't half bad.  Couldn't really join in guess what beer this is game but still managed to have a good time and got warm for a short time by having a little dance up with the crowd at the front.  Hot chocolate at the station with marshmallows and a flake while we waited for the train not saying this was the best bit but... hard to be out sober with people getting more and more drunk but hey ho its another 101

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Wear Everything in my Wardrobe Once or give it away 80/100

Had a good look at my wardrobe and went through it throwing out at least 50 things to a charity shop I mean.
Sadly then decided to arrange it by colour and order skirts trousers tops etc.
Realised I have worn everything apart from some very posh outfits or black clothes bought for a funeral so feel like this has been completed well enough to be counted off.
It does seem better to have less clothes but clothes that I feel good in.
Am a little worried that I won't be able to fully complete my challenge but am soldiering on and having a good look at my targets.  Adding a few more and looking at ones that could be completed fairly easily if I put my mind to it.
Strangely find myself doing some again I guess because I have enjoyed them and some that should be really easy are proving problematic- such as going to the library 5 times- easy you would think but haven't found it so.
Am not losing interest but am not able to do some because of money or time or sickness but I WILL complete it.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Adding More Things to my List

I have decided to add about 10 or more things to my list as I realise that some of them just won't be achievable mostly because of monetary constraints so think will add some more that I can achieve.
Was wondering if it was cheating but its my list my rules I guess so am thinking about what things to add that will be interesting, achievable and not cost too much.
I had thought about adding more on although it is strange that people often say how on earth did you think of 101 things when in reality I could add more and more things on as I think of them.

The trouble is I have forgotten the ones that I wanted to add on but will give it some thought and add them on as I think of them. So it may become about 121 things but I will only complete 101

Go to Flower Show

Had a lovely time at Hampton Court Flower Show. Was unable to go last year owing to painful foot so very happy to be able to go this year.
The gardens were really lovely got a few freebies mostly food and shopping bags.
The garden I liked the most was by Emaeus a charity working with homeless people who not only provided hostels but work food shelter and can only gushingly say- love. They had beautiful glass etched glass panels that said "Here You Are Loved". I don't know why it made me feel tearful sitting there but it was just beautiful.

Another garden was made by a 15 year old boy and showed an easel with paints on the floor sorta spilled onto a paved painters palette. Very clever,
Ellen has an idea for her own garden of a Mad Hatters Tea Party including a fairground ride seat from a teacup ride. I think she should try to exhibit it at Hampton Court anyone can try so why not.

Had a lovely picnic provided by Joyce and then watched a bit of Shakespeare which has inspired me to add go to a Shakespeare play to my list.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Gratitude Journal- carrying on 2

1. Went to Ireland with Terry and Linda to visit with Michael and Eileen

2. All wanted to go to Cork so with organisation was able to go and enjoyed outing. Eileen bought lots of clothes and we were her personal shoppers.

3. Saw all boys- great nephews they were very cute

4. Back to Colchester flights were both on time and uneventful

5. Stayed overnight and went to Mum's on Saturday for a visit

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- carrying on

1. Woke up dizzy but had a duvet day in bed. Had relaxing bath

2. Gina and family have booked to come to Turkey at the same time as Geri

3. Thomas bought a fork to do the lawn as well as insulation for the loft its on my 101 list

4. David made dinner gammon and pineapple followed by a nice cup of tea and biscuits

5. Got new Satnav for our outings to pubs it is lovely white pearl and posh

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 30

Its my birthday today- happy birthday me

1. Thomas came back form dinner with C and we had a long chat about when he was in the scouts and all the camps he went to

2. David brought up my phone to me when I had left it downstairs

3. Geri is looking forward to Turkey in May whoop whoop

4. My online support group now has a Facebook page

5. Have now completed my 30 days of gratitude but will carry it on because it makes me so happy

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 29

1. Slept in late had leisurely breakfast then messed on laptop

2. Went to visit my friend P who has broken her ankle. She had received the card I made her and also one one from S which was lovely- hand embroidered

3. Met her Mum and sister in law gave her Mum a brooch to cover a tear on her blouse

4. Entered four online competitions- someones got to win

5. E and R came to visit and brought me maltesers yum

Monday, 21 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 28

1. Have booked flights to Turkey for our September 2nd to 16th September

2 David tidyed up a lot of the garden the broken glass and bits. He is going to pull up some of the black bamboo at the weekend

3. Tom took the conservatory plants outside for an airing in the sunshine

4. Have been wearing a pedometer today which said I did 3000 steps but it was really 1500 still that is good enough

5. Had lovely dinner with David and Tom

Friday, 18 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 27

1. woke up at 5am listened to Deepak Chopra the Soul of Healing Meditations then slept deeply till 8.30am when the phone rang
2. The sun is streaming through the window and warming my face and arms. Lovely
3. Got up and walked in the garden then sat in the summer house
4. Made a card for Phillipa using WORDLE and posted it to her
5.Tom made me pancakes for lunch yum yum

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 26

1. Have got my third just because gift today a voucher for Mad about Cards for Danielle. isn;t the internet wonderful
2. Got a pedometer to see if I can up my exercise at the same time limiting it to keep inside my energy envelope
3. Bought Ellen and Rosie "red" things for their new kitchen as a house warming present
4. Made a list of things to work on from my 101 things for March- 20 rhings to work on
5. Meditated this morning starting a month of meditating every day

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 25

1. Had a lovely sleep and lie in
2. Got up because the sun was shining so brightly
3. Had a little walk in the garden
4. Am planning dinners for rest of week using up what we have as well as new things
5. Ellen and Rosie are coming and we are going to Tandem Centre for little look at shops

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 24

1. Had really good time at the party and stayed out till 2am !!
2. Woke at 11am didn't feel too bad. David made me breakfast in bed and then brought me tea cake and papers
3. Had lazy day at home reading papers by fire
4, Pretended we had gone to one of our pubs and had interesting chat about ideal pub. Lovely fire can't beat our own one
5. Had interesting chat with Tom about time

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 23

1. Ellen and Rosie moving today. Minded Catrina and Jason came with the dogs
2. Everyone helped with the moving taking stuff, cleaning and minding
3. Had lovely bath and rest in afternoon before going to Terry's party
4. Gave Danielle new card making kit, she was very grateful it was nice to see her so animated
5. Kevin said he was very grateful to our family for all the help we give them for Dan it was much appreciated

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 22

1. Have ordered a Sat Nav for us to use on our weeekend pub trips
2. Have managed to save the euros Peggy gave us for Turkey even though we have paid for the kids to go to Ireland
3. David made a lovely fire
4. We think we can use old candles to make new ones if we buy some wicks
5. Lent Suzanne my scales so she could make a cake and then she sent us a slice

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 21

1. Had another lovely sleep and it is a bright sunny day
2. Made lots of cards today for birthdays ans wrote some
3. Have made another card kit for Dan she is poorly again
4. Helped Ellen and Rosie with support for house moving made them dinner
5. Peggy has booked all kids into b and b now and is paying for them as she is their grandma

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 20

1. Spoke to Eileen on phone she liked the card I had made for Michael
2. Peggy has booked bed and breakfast in Ventry for all the kids
3. Sue put some lovely pics up on facebook of Mum with me her Liz and Linda and Teresa
4. Geri put up[ if you have lovely daughters paste this up on facebook .Added handsome sons
5. Sue added grandchildren and I added aunts and uncles on and on

Monday, 24 May 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 19

1. Have booked to go to Ireland to see Michael with Linda and Terry
2. Tom paid for chinese for us for dinner
3. Spent a happy hour messing on the laptop
4. Have decided that a little bit of housework counts as exercise so loaded the dishwasher
5. Geri is able to stay in her flat for another six months

Friday, 21 May 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 18

1. Had a really good nights sleep
2. Went to Morden to get prescriptions for me and David 11 for me 1 for David
3. Had tea with Joyce and talked about a happiness project. Need to buy her a lovely book for it
4. Went out with Ellen and Joyce to get furniture and bits and bobs for her new house
5. Joyce had a brainstorm of getting a van for Ellen to move with from B and Q- a man with a van problem solved

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 17

1. Tidyed up the living room, Joyce helped me "wrap" sofa cushions so no pressure to make cushions if not up to it. Looked good
2. Tom cleared fireplace and swept up which was a great help
3. Met Tom's girlfriend she is very nice
4. Lovely to come down to tidy living room and kitchen- lets hope can keep it like that
5. Had lazy day in bed, had nice bath and feel tired but OK

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Pubs with Fires White Bear Fickleshole

When you approach this pub you are just leaving suburbia and suddenly come across this lovely pub but now you are in the country.

We went to the this pub twice without the camera or no batteries so ended up going there for a lunch with a friend to get the picture only to find three fireplaces there all alight on a Tuesday afternoon.

Lovely pub great food hard to get to in rush hour though for us.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 16

1. David is off today so we are going to the pub later
2. Proof-read David's report - nice to feel needed
3. Had a lovely trip out to three nice pubs on our list 14/35
4. Got a good story in one about a regular who used to say Shut the F**ing Door. landlord said he would be banned if he said it again so he made a sign STFD and put it above the door. It has been there for twenty five years.
5. Had quick dinner at home leftover sfor David and spaghetti on toast for me. David made a lovely fire

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Pubs with Fires Stephen Langton Friday Street

This is a lovely looking pub and very out of the way with a restaurant attached. Beautiful windows.
We have been to this pub a few times in the past when we were walking once memorably with Jackie and Rick and kids when they were small. We were made very unwelcome then and they asked us to take the kids out of the garden so that they could let the dogs out. We arrived at ten to three and were clearly discussing food only to be told when we decided that food stopped at 3, you'd think they could have said hurry up and order.
The kids were then playing on the verge and got told off for making soil fall on to the manager's car. The barmaid- his girlfriend- kept saying have you seen what they've done?
For a long time after our friends kept sending them postcards saying have you seen what they've done from wherever they had gone on holiday.

Anyway under new management we have been back twice since once to take the picture just before Christmas much nicer reception and more friendly. Then again a few weeks ago on Easter Monday and guess what no food on Mondays even Bank holidays

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 15

1. Got email from Bruce from CFIDS to say about using pedometer for pacing and to do between 1000 and 5000 steps a day if you have fibro or CFIDS. Never thought about using one for limiting activities. Good idea
2. Went to Crooked Billet with David Pierce Michelle and Rosie
3. Pub was full of medical students in fancy dress- best ones Avatar- great for people watching
4. Had lovely dinner here and chocolate cake- vegetarian lasagne leek and mushroom
5. Talked about Ireland trip Michelle is sorting accomodation at hostel

Gratitude Journal- one month 14

1. Made two lovely cards for my Mum for her birthday and Mother's day.
2. Made two homemade pizzas for dinner, will make them again including the bases and cost out if they are cheaper or no
3. Ellen and Rosie came to do more packing. Sat with ellen while she packed giving advice on "keep or throw". Got lots of bits to add to my card-making stock.
4. Thomas bought energy saving bulbs for his room because he knows I am worried about the electric bill
5. Am in bed with my little heating pad warming my back so although it is cold I am toasty

Monday, 10 May 2010

Pubs with Fires Plough Downside

David drinking Shere Drop but it wasn't good.

Nice pub we got a seat by the fire friendly pub and a lovely big fire. lots of nice seats outside by the river.

A man came and put logs on the fire he was wearing sunglasses inside? He apparently was the logs-man who delivered to the pub so of course it was in his interest to put a few more logs on the fire. He said he delivered 700 logs a week to the pub that is a lot of logs.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 13

1. Beautiflu sunny day today, sun is streaming in the window giving heat and good feelings
2. Walked in garden down to the summer house, pulled up a few dead plants. Spring is coming
3. Was going to go to brighton but David talked me out of it. He knows better than me what is the best thing for me sometimes
4. When we were driving to a pub saw a road called "Quality Street" how sweet
5. We went through a village saying welcome to Holland like the welcome to Holland story.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Pubs with Fires Swan Hotel Staines

This was the first pub we went to on our tour of Surrey pubs it was actually an hotel and was quite far away. We forgot the camera and took the picture on David's new Ipod Nano anyway we ended up taking a video by mistake so sure pic won't be much good.

David wasn't too impressed with this pub but it was very comfortable but unmemorable.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 12

1. Got a really good parking space just across the road from the pub
2. David was saving the most comfy seat in the pub for me. A big chair right beside the blazing coal fire
3. Have booked flights to Ireland for us all to go and vouchers for pierce and Michelle to go for Rolands 90th birthday
4. David made a lovely fish dinner for us when we got in
5. Feel tired but happy going to my cosy bed

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Pubs with Fires Surrey Oaks Newdigate

David drinking Ranmore Surrey Hills they have a good selection of beers.

As we go in there is an enormous cat just sitting on the bar. Some other customers say it is called Theo. Not many customers but pleasant enough pub comfy seats friendly.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 11

1. Geri and Paddy got a cheque back today for some of their deposit from the dispute service two thirds of it
2. Went shopping with Joyce for a good chat and wander around the shops
3. Am going out for a drink with David tonight
4. Got a lovely tshirt and waistcoat in Primark- there goes my February clothes allowance
5. Am lucky to be able to park for free and near the shops

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Pubs with Fires Old House at Home Dormansland

David drinking spitifre

No seats in pub so we sit outside very busy hops hanging everywhere it looks a bit like a tatty front room. There is an old map of Dorman's Park Estate on the wall.
David takes ages to get served but he says that the girl is very apologetic and is keeping her eye on who is next- its all because " Trevor's not here".
Great for people watching while I wait there is a group of men from Kingston Phoenix Cycling Club all different ages having lunch. one catches my eye he looks quite old but appears to be wearing a Super hero top blue with a big yellow star on the front. He has lots of thick dark curly hair like a cartoon hero- I think he is superman's Dad. One of his friends says "Why do so called friends keep sending you rubbish emails"- amen to that.
its quite cold outside so we drink up quickly and go.

Friday, 30 April 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 10

1. Its a lovely sunny day today
2. Went to lunch with Arthritis group. Diane gave me a lift home
3. Was able to get a lift there thanks to my taxicab card for £1.50
4. Minded Catrina for a few hours so that Geri could have a few hours with Paddy
5. Ellen and Rosie have signed the contract to buy their house and are moving in two weeks

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Pubs with Fires Plough Inn Dormansland

David drinking London Pride- beer in good condition
Lovely puppy at bar nice big friendly pub as you go in the sign on the outdoor seating says "You MUST smoke here.
Lots of books on the shelves but horror of horrors the fireplace is not in use although it looks nice enough with old candles and bits and bobs in it. The TV stand is made of two wine boxes and the tables have the classic candles in wine bottles going on.
David tells me how to boil an egg as told by Delia so you warm it in your hand first bring it to the boil and cook for one minute then you leave it to stand for six minutes with the lid on then eat it.
It turned out a bit watery but I don't think I would have the patience to be waiting when you can just time it for three minutes.
People watching was good two old lady walkers had plastic bags on their feet and bad hair. in fact every woman there was having a bad hair day- not me- another lady trying to get past said loudly "coming through with two big dogs"- very posh and English.

This pub had the most fantastic toilets full of newspaper cuttings in the mens's have to take David's word for this but the ladies was marvelous it had fresh flowers and twigs with feathers together with a basket with towels and another with deodorant and hand cream.
It also had lovely shoe pictures with a man sitting or standing on the toe.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 9

1. Tom offered to take me to see my Mum next week for overnight stay Wednesday to Thursday
2. Put pics on facebook of Mum and her rat and also her with Anthea and her three girls
3. Have cut medication today and feel OK
4. Rained all day but we were cosy inside
5. David made a lovely fire

Monday, 26 April 2010

Pubs with Fires King William IV Mickleham

Have been a good few times to this pub in the past when we used to go walking with the kids but have tried twice to get into it now but it seems to be closed at random times.

Its also quite hard to park near it and you end up having a long walk up the hill to it to find it closed so may give up or try again in the next winter

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 8

1. Tom rang to see if I wanted anthing from supermarket- thoughtful
2. Enjoyed Catrina for afternoon she slept in my arms -aaah
3. Joyce came back for tea and chat
4. Danielle enjoyed making a card for her nan with stuff I gave her
5. Ellen made everyone pancakes for shrove Tuesday -yum

Friday, 23 April 2010

Pubs with Fires Royal Oak Staffhurst Wood

Lovely pub good log fire with lovely views over countryside. Sat right beside the fire near two men with laptops looked like father and son with son giving father a lesson on Java and Excel.

Toilets are so small you set off the hand drier every time you move on the loo.

Interesting pictures Churchill with a machine gun an indenture maybe for the pub. lots of hand bells like Bells whiskey.

Strange meat on menu- kobe Steak burger with a whole leaflet devote to explaining what it is.
Japanese wagyu meat the tastiest in the world wa- means super gyu means cattle form Voelas Hall in North Wales the herd live a life of luxury with good food and the cows are massaged to improve the quality of the meat. didn't try it but it is tempting.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 7

1.Finished dyeing sofas
2. Told joy how good they looked as I followed her idea
3. joy took us to belly dancing
4. Sat out but wrote down how to do steps
5. Videoed us doing belly dancing so far

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Pubs with Fires Plough Stoke D'Abernon

David drinking - on the rails good selection of beers
Pub empty only mein host and one local on the phone by the fire of course so had to wait to take picture.

Tried to find out why it is called Stoke D'Abernon but couldn't find anything

Basic pub no frills big conservatory with a good view over the country side. lovely ladies toilet with old dresser for sink.

Pubs with Fires Royal Oak Great Bookham

David drinking Hammer head beer not bad
Nice pub wasn't where I thought it was, sat right by the fire comfy seats with barrel tables and a piano in the corner. Had a secret door leading to.... Nice friendly pub local but friendly.
Publican sounded gay but was talking about his children was busy ordering dark beer even though he doesn't drink dark beer.
Was intrigued by sign over door that said STFD so asked a local at the bar. So here's the story an old local man who was a bit of a curmudgeon apparently would tell everyone going out to Shut The F***ing door so the landlord said to him if you say that again you are barred. Next day he bought the sign along and hung it above the door - that was twenty five years ago and whatever happened to him? good story though.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 6

1. Thomas bought me an airplant
2. David made me breakfast in bed on Sunday
3. We went out to two nice pubs with fires for my 101 pubs with fires
4. Thought of a new book idea "The Real Ale Drinkers Wife"- how to enjoy drinking with your DH when you don't drink- people watching, photos, reviews
5. Uploaded photos of fires to Picasso and named them all as well as organising photos on Picasso

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Pubs with Fires Jolly Farmer Bramley

David drinking Oakham Bishops Farewell - eight beers on offer David says too much how can you have too much of a good thing? Friendly pub and open after three on a Sunday.

David says this pub does not count as all three fires were GAS shock horror its my list though so I can include what I like. One fireplace is the most unusual I have ever seen surrounded by odd things like a ventriloquist dummy lots of jugs and kettles very interesting.

On the way into pub lots of posters of Bramley players local theatre. Pub is jam packed with knicknacs.

big antlers on walls collection of plates, mugs, money? beer mats on ceiling. Two pictures of naked ladies bu the fireplace a bit racey. Tables were sloping down drinks in danger of falling off the tables.

David shows me how to play with beer mats making them flip but I can't flip one let alone progress to more than one.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 5

1. Waited in for parcels they all came, card making, phone for David and dye for sofa
2. started dyeing second sofa and cushions so won't need new ones £50 saved Hooray
3. Made some cards for my February birthdays. Will make March ones and thank you ones and write and post tomorrow
4. Looked after Catrina 2-7 while Geri minded Dan. She is funny but she has a bit of a temper. She opened a bar of soap and tried to eat it.
5. Only took pain medication at night today

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

More slate for back Garden

We have finally ordered the slate and it came today. Thomas is now spreading it in the garden over the bare areas. It will look much better and fuller although Tom thinks we will probably need more again but it is too expensive.

Pubs with Fires Three Horseshoes Thursley

Have been getting on with this but will have to postpone until winter as none of the fires will be alight. Think this could make a good book called the Real Ale Drinkers Wife- how to enjoy the pub when you don't drink beer
1 Three Horseshoes Thursley known locally as "Shoes"

David was drinking Shere Drop
If you leave you have to say "see you later" made us think of the Prisoner be seeing you
Lovely friendly pub full of walkers hogging the fire lovely food menu. Loud but good natured.
One bar with lots of old pictures one of a lovely old red car.
When ~I took my picture of the fireplace a man at the bar offered to lie down in front of the fire with his dog- NAKED great offer but he was only joking. Him and his friend were firefighters and discussed safety of fireplace which had a big electric fire lighter poking out of it.
Loud oooh when puddings came out and little gentle row over which belongs to who

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 4

1. Have received lovely Just Becuase gift form Sue- a heated throw which has been lovely and cosy while it has been snowing

2. Have been poorly but am feeling bit better, coping most days and getting some things done.

3. Had big tidy up of bedroom when David was in Ireland but it needs doing again :-)

4. Have completed 40 things on my 101 list- how cool is that.

5. Went to two lovely pubs last weekend with David and was brave enough to take the pictures straight away of the real fires.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 3

1. Changed flights for Turkey so that we can go to Ireland for Rolands 90th birthday. David was very grateful
2. Have made lots of cards must now send some of them. Enjoyed making them
3. Took knitting to Mum's so have now started new blanket for Catrina.
4. Have completed hard level on Blip Bloink on ipod hooray!!!
5. Had lovely visit today form Jenny. Will try to see her more often we were non-stop talk

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 2

1. Feel very calm and happy a lot of the time.
2. Dyed our large sofa it looks like new.
3.Dying other sofa which will save money for the future.
4 Coooking more to save money on food and eat better
5. Went to a quiz night and enjoyed it- feel like my brain is working OK

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 1

Am writing a month of a gratitiude journal with 5 things every day even if I think I have had a bad day the challenge is to find 5 things to feel grateful for.
1 Had lovely few days with Mum
2. Felt able to drive so that makes me feel more confident in being able to drive
3. Went to dinner with ~Mum, Teresa, ans Susan- Mum and her three girls
4. Anthea came to visit and we laughed and laughed together it was like being children again
5. Anthea gave Mum her wedding bouquet how lovely is that

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

One Year gone already- March 2010

Looking back at my older posts I realise that 1st March 2010 is my one year anniversary of the day I started so there are 39 things completely done and several that are being worked on this month. I think that getting that many done in a year is actually brilliant and owe my sticking to my target setting as a side effect of having a chronic illness and learning about target setting from various courses that I have attended. So there is a positive out of a negative.

Looking at the ones remaining on my list I think the only thing that could stop me completing all is lack of funds rather than will power and am already thinking about new items to add onto my list.

Gratitude Journal

Have been working on this for the last month and cannot tell you how much better it makes you feel to concentrate on all the good things that have happened during the day and forgot about any little thing that might have gone a bit wrong.
i am going to post the journal entries one each day for the month of March although they will really be for February. I will i think continue to do the gratitude journal though as it makes me feel happy happy happy.

Sorry will post again soon

Sorry not to have posted for so long. Its not that I haven't been working on my 101 list just life happened and this went to one side. Will get back into regular posting NOW

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Free Rice Scam?

Logged on to free rice and completed 4000 grains but another link sent me to a whole list of articles saying it was a scam!! Although "some" rice is being donated and it is under written by the World Health Organisation it seems that it is not a charity and is mostly a money making enterprise for the owners of the site who have made over a million from it already. not sure about continuing with the project - will have to think about it, check it out a bit more and if it is definitely a scam choose a different 101 instead of it but am debating whether it should be a charitable one or just something really fun.