Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- carrying on

1. Woke up dizzy but had a duvet day in bed. Had relaxing bath

2. Gina and family have booked to come to Turkey at the same time as Geri

3. Thomas bought a fork to do the lawn as well as insulation for the loft its on my 101 list

4. David made dinner gammon and pineapple followed by a nice cup of tea and biscuits

5. Got new Satnav for our outings to pubs it is lovely white pearl and posh

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 30

Its my birthday today- happy birthday me

1. Thomas came back form dinner with C and we had a long chat about when he was in the scouts and all the camps he went to

2. David brought up my phone to me when I had left it downstairs

3. Geri is looking forward to Turkey in May whoop whoop

4. My online support group now has a Facebook page

5. Have now completed my 30 days of gratitude but will carry it on because it makes me so happy

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 29

1. Slept in late had leisurely breakfast then messed on laptop

2. Went to visit my friend P who has broken her ankle. She had received the card I made her and also one one from S which was lovely- hand embroidered

3. Met her Mum and sister in law gave her Mum a brooch to cover a tear on her blouse

4. Entered four online competitions- someones got to win

5. E and R came to visit and brought me maltesers yum

Monday, 21 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 28

1. Have booked flights to Turkey for our September 2nd to 16th September

2 David tidyed up a lot of the garden the broken glass and bits. He is going to pull up some of the black bamboo at the weekend

3. Tom took the conservatory plants outside for an airing in the sunshine

4. Have been wearing a pedometer today which said I did 3000 steps but it was really 1500 still that is good enough

5. Had lovely dinner with David and Tom

Friday, 18 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 27

1. woke up at 5am listened to Deepak Chopra the Soul of Healing Meditations then slept deeply till 8.30am when the phone rang
2. The sun is streaming through the window and warming my face and arms. Lovely
3. Got up and walked in the garden then sat in the summer house
4. Made a card for Phillipa using WORDLE and posted it to her
5.Tom made me pancakes for lunch yum yum

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 26

1. Have got my third just because gift today a voucher for Mad about Cards for Danielle. isn;t the internet wonderful
2. Got a pedometer to see if I can up my exercise at the same time limiting it to keep inside my energy envelope
3. Bought Ellen and Rosie "red" things for their new kitchen as a house warming present
4. Made a list of things to work on from my 101 things for March- 20 rhings to work on
5. Meditated this morning starting a month of meditating every day

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 25

1. Had a lovely sleep and lie in
2. Got up because the sun was shining so brightly
3. Had a little walk in the garden
4. Am planning dinners for rest of week using up what we have as well as new things
5. Ellen and Rosie are coming and we are going to Tandem Centre for little look at shops

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 24

1. Had really good time at the party and stayed out till 2am !!
2. Woke at 11am didn't feel too bad. David made me breakfast in bed and then brought me tea cake and papers
3. Had lazy day at home reading papers by fire
4, Pretended we had gone to one of our pubs and had interesting chat about ideal pub. Lovely fire can't beat our own one
5. Had interesting chat with Tom about time

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 23

1. Ellen and Rosie moving today. Minded Catrina and Jason came with the dogs
2. Everyone helped with the moving taking stuff, cleaning and minding
3. Had lovely bath and rest in afternoon before going to Terry's party
4. Gave Danielle new card making kit, she was very grateful it was nice to see her so animated
5. Kevin said he was very grateful to our family for all the help we give them for Dan it was much appreciated

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Gratitude Journal- one month 22

1. Have ordered a Sat Nav for us to use on our weeekend pub trips
2. Have managed to save the euros Peggy gave us for Turkey even though we have paid for the kids to go to Ireland
3. David made a lovely fire
4. We think we can use old candles to make new ones if we buy some wicks
5. Lent Suzanne my scales so she could make a cake and then she sent us a slice