Had a good look at my wardrobe and went through it throwing out at least 50 things to a charity shop I mean.
Sadly then decided to arrange it by colour and order skirts trousers tops etc.
Realised I have worn everything apart from some very posh outfits or black clothes bought for a funeral so feel like this has been completed well enough to be counted off.
It does seem better to have less clothes but clothes that I feel good in.
Am a little worried that I won't be able to fully complete my challenge but am soldiering on and having a good look at my targets. Adding a few more and looking at ones that could be completed fairly easily if I put my mind to it.
Strangely find myself doing some again I guess because I have enjoyed them and some that should be really easy are proving problematic- such as going to the library 5 times- easy you would think but haven't found it so.
Am not losing interest but am not able to do some because of money or time or sickness but I WILL complete it.