Monday, 30 August 2010

Watch 50 DVD's

Just watched a really rubbish copy of Nanny McPhee and the big Bang but really enjoyed even though it was rather predictable.

Am currently watching The Birdcage never watched it before but it is pretty funny about a gay couple who have a son who is getting married so they are pretending to be father and uncle.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Go To a Beer Festival

Back again to Hampton Court for a beer and Jazz festival.  Although it is August it was absolutely freezing so had to dress for winter or freeze.

Wasn't really sure what I was doing when I was arrived as I don't drink beer or any alcohol (too many tablets) and not that keen on jazz.  Anyway DH friend had saved us seats and the music wasn't half bad.  Couldn't really join in guess what beer this is game but still managed to have a good time and got warm for a short time by having a little dance up with the crowd at the front.  Hot chocolate at the station with marshmallows and a flake while we waited for the train not saying this was the best bit but... hard to be out sober with people getting more and more drunk but hey ho its another 101

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Wear Everything in my Wardrobe Once or give it away 80/100

Had a good look at my wardrobe and went through it throwing out at least 50 things to a charity shop I mean.
Sadly then decided to arrange it by colour and order skirts trousers tops etc.
Realised I have worn everything apart from some very posh outfits or black clothes bought for a funeral so feel like this has been completed well enough to be counted off.
It does seem better to have less clothes but clothes that I feel good in.
Am a little worried that I won't be able to fully complete my challenge but am soldiering on and having a good look at my targets.  Adding a few more and looking at ones that could be completed fairly easily if I put my mind to it.
Strangely find myself doing some again I guess because I have enjoyed them and some that should be really easy are proving problematic- such as going to the library 5 times- easy you would think but haven't found it so.
Am not losing interest but am not able to do some because of money or time or sickness but I WILL complete it.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Adding More Things to my List

I have decided to add about 10 or more things to my list as I realise that some of them just won't be achievable mostly because of monetary constraints so think will add some more that I can achieve.
Was wondering if it was cheating but its my list my rules I guess so am thinking about what things to add that will be interesting, achievable and not cost too much.
I had thought about adding more on although it is strange that people often say how on earth did you think of 101 things when in reality I could add more and more things on as I think of them.

The trouble is I have forgotten the ones that I wanted to add on but will give it some thought and add them on as I think of them. So it may become about 121 things but I will only complete 101

Go to Flower Show

Had a lovely time at Hampton Court Flower Show. Was unable to go last year owing to painful foot so very happy to be able to go this year.
The gardens were really lovely got a few freebies mostly food and shopping bags.
The garden I liked the most was by Emaeus a charity working with homeless people who not only provided hostels but work food shelter and can only gushingly say- love. They had beautiful glass etched glass panels that said "Here You Are Loved". I don't know why it made me feel tearful sitting there but it was just beautiful.

Another garden was made by a 15 year old boy and showed an easel with paints on the floor sorta spilled onto a paved painters palette. Very clever,
Ellen has an idea for her own garden of a Mad Hatters Tea Party including a fairground ride seat from a teacup ride. I think she should try to exhibit it at Hampton Court anyone can try so why not.

Had a lovely picnic provided by Joyce and then watched a bit of Shakespeare which has inspired me to add go to a Shakespeare play to my list.