Sunday, 10 April 2011

Do all fitness DVDs in cupboard

Have tried all these DVDs now and am keeping only one of them,  I realise that even fitness goes out of fashion and some of these are laughable with the outfits they are wearing as well as being too fast or too difficult for me.
I guess that home exercise DVDs are not really for me am better going to a class or swimming.
Am really enjoying the pilates class I am going to so will stick with that for a while and then try to give the wii another go.

London Bus Trip

Have received a lovely gift for Mother's Day of a trip on a London Bus Tour from number one son.
Just need to work out when to go and it is sorted,

Random Acts of kindness

Have you ever been in the supermarket with a basket of goods just totting it up to see if you can afford to buy all of it and then realising that you can't you stare at the items trying to decide which to discard?
When my kids were small money wasn't always in great supply so there would be times when this would be me.
So in Sainsbury's last week I spotted me 20 years ago frowning into my basket so I delved into my purse found a fiver and handed it over.  The poor lady didn't know what to do but I convinced her it was a genuine offer and to enjoy it, it was just before Mother's day and she was trying to buy a treat for her Mum.
She was grateful and I was very happy too honestly I think i get more out of these little acts than the recipients.
Lovely day happy shopping.