Monday, 28 November 2011

101 things in 1001 days

Its all done now on the last available day too.
no time to update blog as too too busy completing the last ten challenges. Phew but all done was a bit worried wouldn't go for the real tattoo but that was done yesterday I suprised myself with that one.
Time for a rest now and time to fill in all the missing entries on the blog before turning into an ebook.
Its been great fun for me and I hope all the people that joined in with me and helped me on my way.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Have a Real Tattoo

Thought I would go and have a real tattoo if I thought I was any way near getting to my 101 things so was duly booked by Rosie for Sunday my 100th thing.  Rosie took the precaution of booking herself in after me so she could take my slot if I bottled out.
I decided to have a violet flower as my Mum is Emily Violet and Catrina is Catrina Violet and apparently we used to have a Great Aunt Violet.
I was booked for mid day so took pre-emptive pain relieving medication and took my rescue remedy with me as well as a drink and a bar of chocolate.
Ali the tattoo artist was very nice and showed me a design to start off with I was a bit worried about it having a stalk and a leaf and all as in more things to be tattooed and was a bit worried would end up with just a little dot.
we changed the design to just the petals and had it down sized a good few times until I felt it was going to be way too woosy to shrink it down any more.
We then discussed where would be the best place to have it that would be the least painful.and it seems it varied from one person to the other so I went for the place with the most skin available lol. sooo its just in front of and above my hip.
Rosie stayed to talk to me and Ali got to work it was bearable but better with a bit of chat.
I asked Ali to tell me the oldest person she had ever tattooed and it was a lovely lady of 77 who has quite a few and she is awesome.
Had to stop a few times and weirdly when Geri came into to look I couldn't cope and found it more painful or I am just a little bit mad.
Talking for distraction definitely worked so I asked Ali where was the weirdest place she had even tattooed someone. She said a very smartly dressed Indian lady came once and wanted a rather intimate tattoo of her husbands name which luckily was quite a short one.  She did have to spend quite some time with her head up this ladies skirt which must have been amusing for the other customers.  She did say you couldn't pay her enough to tattoo a man's ***** so guessing she has never done that.
I thought having it coloured in was worse than the actual black outline but it was soon over and now- its done.
Its healing up and am glad I had it done, its very pretty and has lots of shading and is very well done. Thank you Ali.
Not sure if I will have another done but was looking at tattoos for the feet today so... never say never

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Go To a 3D Film

On Saturday we went to the Science Museum in Kensington to go and see the Hubble Telescope film at the Imaxx cinema in 3D.
This is my first ever 3D film apart from long ago when I was a child and we had to wear cardboard framed glasses one red lens and one green.
We were well looked after paying a reduced rate for me and nothing for DH as carer and also were able to go into the lift instead of up 6 flights of stairs.
No food or drink allowed in this cinema which is marvellous no rustling of popcorn or slurping.
The introduction told us the screen was the size of 3 double deckers one on top of each other and lots more info about the sound system which I forget.
A pity still had adverts -not in 3D- but still annoying apart from the one for another 3D film about orangotangs and baby elephants. It was amazing I wanted to put my hand out and touch the baby orangotang that appeared to be right in front of my face.  I am glad I didn't go to see anything scary am bad enough at a normal film.
The film started and it was really very good about various space missions to fix and update the telescope.  I think I could have helped one astronaut put his boots on in front of me.
There were then so many fantastic images of the stars and galaxies all around us as well as images of the earth. I know its a clique but it really does make you feel very small and there really must be other people out there. How can we be alone in all this.
After the film we had a short look at a few iconic exhibits in the Museum- Stephenson's Rocket and a model TFord in black of course before going to a pub that we used to go to years ago when we were young and carefree.  The Churchill in Church Street. Our friend was once famously barred from here for moving a chair from the restaurant to the bar. It was absolutely packed with people so great atmosphere good beer, so I'm told and good company. That was me.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

ten days to go

Ten days to go and ten things left to do!!
Not sure if this is possible but am going to give it a good go some are things that are half done so only a matter of completion.
Am going to call on all the help I can have completed the pubs with fires today and will see if can do anything else this weekend.
wish me luck

Pubs with fires

Hooray have visited our last pubs with fires today have only ten days left to go to complete.
The pubs were a little disappointing, out of the three we visited only one had a  fire alight not to mention the beer not very good in two out of three pubs.  Will add more details when I work out how many 101's left to complete as have lost track and think may have to do one a day eek