Tuesday, 3 March 2009

101 Things in 1001 Days lets start 1st March 2009

1st March 2009 to 27th November 2011
Its the day to get going and start our challenge it is so exciting, all those that are joining in seem to be really inspired by the idea though some seem to have started already- Ok guilty myself - have already worn a dress for a whole week- not the same one.
Have since noticed some other 101ers taking pictures of themselves doing their challenges so if decide to do the dress thing again will take pictures.

Hoping to take pictures of all the fireplaces in the Surrey pubs if only to prove to D's uncle that they are there lol

Am very new to blogging so hope this works out OK but think this could be the best way to keep it all going. Am taking lessons from P in how to blog so hope to make it look good and easy for us all to use. So will add on my list to this and if you send your lists to me whether completed or no I will add them to blog. You can of course add comments to this blog with your progress.

That can be next weeks lesson for me and Joyce as have been working on my sharing a skill target


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Opps sorry - meant to edit my post but deleted it instead.
