Thursday, 19 March 2009

More Flowers in the Garden

Having filled the hanging baskets with lots of colourful plants I decided to carry on and buy more plants for the beds, I am hoping to have a riot of colour for the summer. Will post pictures when all in bloom.
Tom took me to B and Q and Joyce took me to a garden centre on Tuesdayso heres what has been planted:
Cytisius -goldfinch- the picture does look like little colourful birds
Heuchera lovely reddish colour and lobellia - a deep red
Seddum- lots of green, red, and yellow
Viola- sorbet yellow and lovely purples
Pansies- yellow, purple and sizzling burgundy with frilly edges
Mossy Saxifrage- pastel colours mixed
aubretia- purple
dwarf veronica- blue and purple
Aquillega- summer pastel
And not really a flower but have always wanted one a quarter size Kilmarnock Willow it is pretty with lovely soft catkins.
So all the above join the camelia rhodedendrons for colour now to be followed by fuchia bushes and then monbretia in the autumn. Heres hoping that will give me some lovely colour for lots of the year. Think I will take pictures of the beds weekly to see the changes.
Had a lovely time planting them up today sitting on my little gardening stool can't wait for them to flower.
Was thinking about not getting bedding plants but they give so much pleasure immediately and cost no more than a good bouquet so thought it was worth it and they look lovely.

1 comment:

  1. The flowers sound wonderful. I am hoping the weatehr stays fine this week so I can get out in the garden and do some weeding. I did some at Mums on Tuesday - I always like to do a bit of gardening when I am stressed. I have a camelia in my garden that blooms every year without me doing alot too it. I am with you in the bedding plants so think I will buy a few of those and some bigger all plants too put in as well. The daffodils are all in bloom here along the roadside as they are every year and I want o plant a lot in my garden to bloom next year for a lovely display. Must add it too the list.
