101 Thing to Do in 1001 Days
13 /101
1 Paint Utility Room
2 Decorate Lounge
3 Paint Kitchen
4 Set Up Aerial Booster
5 Connect Bedroom TV to loft aerial
6 Connect Dinning room TV to loft aerial
7 Change wall lights in bedroom
8 Hammer toilet panel pins flush
9 Clear junk from garage
10 Organise garage tools etc
11 Make space in garage for keep fit equipment
12 Have dripping tap in bathroom fixed
13 Finish all knitting started 1/2 nearly finished second one
14 Finish Crochet Afghan for bed
15 Finish Flower Fairy Cross stitch
16 Finish Covering 3 piece suite
17 Make a summer dress pattern
18 Get material for dress 11/03/2009
19 Cut material and make dress
20 Sell knitting machine on e-bay
21 Sell stitch linker on e-bay
Clearing and Tidying
22 Organise Clothes in wardrobe
23 Take unwanted clothes to charity shop
24 Alter any clothes that need it
25 Clear junk from box room started 1st March 2009
26 Take any junk to dump/charity shop
27 Clear junk from loft
28 Take junk to dump/charity shop
29 Organise stuff in left in loft so it can be found easily
30 Stop leaving things on standby
31 As light bulbs blow change for energy saving bulbs
32 Write out a weekly dinner menu
33 Make a shopping list based on dinner menu and stick to it
34 Check e-mails at least once a week keeping up to date inbox empty of unread
35 Lose 1st 0/14
36 Do at least 1/2 hour exercise a day for at least a month 0/31
37 Give up smoking
38 Wear a skirt or dress at least once a week 7/50
39 Style hair every day for a month 31/31
40 Go ice skating at least once in the 1001 days
41 Start drinking at least 1ltr of water a day 31/31 but keeping it up
42 Stop drinking tea after 9pm 31/31 sleeping better so keeping it up
43 Read all my self help books 0/15
44 Go on Lightning process course
45 Sort out all photos
46 Put photos into albums
47 Put Digital photos onto PC and Picassso
48 Read course work for proof reading
49 Do and send in 1st assignment
50 Do second assignment 0/52 only have year to do this
51 Help Emma with her drivers theory test
52 Sort through all recordable video tapes 30/30
53 Throw away worn video tapes nearly done
54 Label recordable video tapes and make a note of what get recorded on them
55 Put all music CD's onto itunes 45/50
56 Transfer itunes to external hard drive
57 Listen to all songs on ipod
58 Transfer podcasts to external hard drive
59 Listen to all podcasts
60 Buy Summer flowers and plant in garden
61 Take up plastic sheeting on borders
62 Gradually bark all border to stop weeds front done
63 Transfer bulbs from pots to borders
64 Buy new arch to replace broken one arch bought and is up
65 Use up food in freezer to plan meal
66 Block up hole in bedroom
67 Finish Professor Leyton on Nintendo DS
68 Beat Linda's total on bejewelled on Ipod Touch (590,000 no chance haha)
69 Wear makeup once a week for a month 4/31
70 Learn how to put make up on
71 Go to cinema once a month 0/30
Passing the time
9 years ago
Well done Suzanne for getting your list done it doesn't matter it is incomplete add more as you think of them. You might want to put numbers by some of them like songs on ipod and podcasts so you can keep a running total. You can go into your list with the link and add ones completed or working on
ReplyDeleteHave taken Lindas advise and opened an account with picasa and have stored all my digital photos on it. Another 101 thing done. Have started clearing my spare room which is taking longer than expected. Can't believe I hoard so much stuff.
ReplyDeleteThe new arch has been erected in the garden, (it fell down in the wind) my Dad has now managed to place it again. Hopefully this time it will stay up.